A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Singapore Volunteers Unite to Protect the Environment at Beach Cleanup Activity

By Delta Singapore - Published May 23, 2024

On May 17th, Delta Singapore kicked off our first ESG activity of the year with a successful beach cleanup at Pasir Ris Beach. With the incredible participation of 79 dedicated volunteers, including our Singapore General Manager PS Tang and the Vice President of SEA Business David Leal, we managed to collect a total of:

• 300.5kg of trash
• 1,989 pieces of waste

The entire process, from the cleanup to categorizing the trash based on the Ocean Conservancy Trash Data Form, took approximately 1.5 hours. This effort not only helped to beautify our local beach but also contributed valuable data to support ongoing ocean conservation efforts.

Before we embarked on our cleanup mission, we were honored to have Our Singapore Reef present to us the critical importance of coral restoration. Their insights highlighted how Singapore's waters are impacted by human activities, such as the improper disposal of items like washing machines, mattresses, wires, and chair stands.

This event was more than just a cleanup; it was a powerful reminder of our responsibility to protect our environment. We definitely took away valuable knowledge and a renewed commitment to sustainability.

Thank you to all our volunteers for their hard work and dedication.

Let's continue to work together towards a cleaner, greener future!

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Delta Singapore

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