A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta India Rallies Together to Proactively Fight Against COVID-19

By Delta India - Published March 10, 2020

By Delta India Corporate Communications

Gurgaon, India, March 5, 2020– The novel coronavirus has spread to 82 countries and territories affecting the life of 94,380 people resulting in 3,221 deaths, with the number still counting and alarming public health authorities across the world.

Delta Electronics India understands the magnitude of the problem. As a global company, for us the well-being of our employees is paramount and we are fully committed to that. We ensured information dissemination via a massive internal communication program that informs about the preventive measures to be taken against Covid-19 and make the employees aware of the global epidemic that can help them to stay cautious.

Delivering this commitment, we decided to act upon the situation and play our role proactively. The message was communicated on various platforms like the intranet, emails where an EDM was posted, encouraging personal hygiene, and preventive measures.

Additionally, a series of posters were put up in the premises to create alertness among the employees. The posters communicated precautionary messages like using alcohol-based sanitizers, and other preventive activities that can help to avoid getting affected by this epidemic.

One of the spreading agent of Coronavirus is the touch like handshake, but the habit is so much engulfed in everyone that avoiding it can even lead to disrespecting others. In solution to this, a special poster was made with the thought to encourage greeting sanitation that avoids physical contact. Thus special posters were made with a thought to avoid handshakes and greeting with NAMASTE, something which is very much ingrained in our culture as a basic gesture of mannerism.

These posters could be seen in the visitors’ registration area, reception, including one near the hand sanitizer, elevators, staircase, shop floor, meeting rooms, phone booths, pantry areas, and restrooms.

A special Digital display screen was activated and visible at the reception. Here the messages were played to communicate the preventive measures that helped as and when someone enters the premises to be equipped with essential awareness knowledge regarding Covid-19.

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Delta India

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