A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

DET Works to Make Commuting Safe and Comfortable During Thailand’s Second COVID Wave

By Delta Thailand HR - Published March 16, 2021


Since the beginning of 2021, Thailand’s second wave of the COVID-19 unfolded and everyone at DET kept up our ongoing fight against the pandemic. Our Security team, DET Safety and Facility departments are still implementing strict control measures at all our entrances and around the factory, checking body temperatures and distributing face masks each day.

This year DET HR also worked with our other departments to increase our COVID prevention and safety for our company transportation. DET provides a shuttle bus service to many locations around our factories and in Bangkok city. This makes commuting more convenient and parking less crowded for the thousands of Deltans who come to work each day. Public transportation also helps to reduce traffic congestion in our communities and cuts down on both air pollution and carbon emissions.

At the same time, we always work to make our company transport safer and more comfortable for our employees. Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, DET has put temperature controls and alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers on all our transportation to prevent the spread of COVID. Our screening measures include checking the body temperature of every Delta member who boards our shuttle buses with an installed temperature detector.

We also do regular inspections of employees and drivers to make sure we are wearing face masks at all times in the vehicles.

Special teams do extra cleaning for all our company shuttle buses with alcohol, sterilization and fogging spray.

The cleaning staff wipes down seats, handrails, air conditioner vents and fans with disinfectant at least twice a week.

In addition, to our COVID awareness campaign, we also promote traffic safety for our drivers and employees.

Thailand has one of the world’s highest traffic death rates in the world and our HR is working tirelessly to help our Delta Family realize the importance of road safety while communing by requiring everyone to wear seat belts as a habit.

Our road safety awareness campaign uses the slogan "Buckle up Before Taking off" to remind everyone about vehicle safety and help them not be another tragic addition to Thailand’s appalling road accident statistics.

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Delta Thailand HR

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