A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Challenge Yourself with Continuous Improvement in Thailand with the Delta International Recruitment Program

By David Nakayama - Published November 12, 2021

Interview with DET International Recruits

Text and Photos by David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms

Bangkok, Thailand, October 6, 2021- Besides engineering, Delta Electronics Thailand offers a variety of exciting and global career opportunities for Thai talents overseas. Today we talk with two young and energetic Thai returnees, Suchapa Viseshakul and Suparee Tawee-apiradeeweejit (left and right in the above photo), about their experiences discovering Delta Thailand in Taiwan and China through the Delta International Recruitment Program.

Congratulations on joining Delta Thailand! Can you share with us a little about yourself? Where are you from? What did you study?

Suchapa: My nickname is Mew. I’m from Thailand. I graduated from Jinan University in Guangzhou, China with a major in Chinese Education. I joined Delta Thailand in November last year.

Suparee: My nickname is Mhing and I come from Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand. I’m graduated from Silpakorn University and I did my master's degree at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. I’ve been at Delta for three years.

Did you ever study the Chinese language before going to Taiwan or China? Why did you choose to study there?Suchapa: I started to study Chinese in high school before going to China. I chose to study in China because I was confident that I could improve my Chinese better there than studying in my country. I also love to travel and learn about new cultures.

Suparee: Actually I’m an ethnic Chinese Thai and grew up speaking Chinese with my family. I learned Chinese reading and writing in weekend classes. After finishing my bachelor's degree, I went to improve my Chinese at Taiwan Normal University for half a year. This university, known as “Shi Da”, is famous for its excellent Chinese studies, beginner to advanced level, and variety of Chinese cultural courses such as calligraphy, paper cutting and cooking etc.

The school is located in Taipei city which is very safe and convenient and has a wonderful environment for studying with plenty of libraries and beautiful cafés for you to enjoy your study time.

How did your experiences abroad benefit you, and how do you think Thais returning from overseas can best contribute to the country?Suparee: Studying abroad is not only a chance to gain knowledge and a degree. You can also learn a different language and culture. When you return to your country, your experiences will make you stand out from among others and can lead you to better job opportunities.

Whether you choose to work for the government or in the private sector, you can contribute to your organization.

Suchapa: Studying abroad can improve my language skill faster and I can get a great opportunity to find a job. When Thais back to the country they can share experiences that will be valuable for Thailand.

How did you find out about the Delta International Recruitment program, and why did you join?

Suchapa: When I was living in China, I recognized Delta China as a big company and automation leader company. So I decided to join this program because I thought I would be able to improve my career opportunities.

Suparee: While I was in Taiwan, Delta participated in our school career day. I visited their booth and when they found out that I’m Thai, they told me that Delta actually has huge factories facilities located in Thailand. The Delta staff welcomed me to join.

Which Delta Plant and job position did you join? What has impressed you most about the operations and people at Delta Thailand?Suchapa: I work at Delta Plant 1 in the Productivity Improvement Team (PIT) department. I’m impressed with our company’s innovation in operation and the important thing is we have many training courses to improve employee skill sets.

Suparee: I joined Sales in Delta Plant 5. I’m really impressed with the working spirit here. Everyone sees Delta as Delta their second home and so they do their best to make their home great. The people here are really hard working and highly responsible.

What are your main roles at Delta Thailand now, and what do you find is the most interesting part of your work?Suparee: My sales role gives me opportunities to service Delta’s well-known global customers. I also get the chance to collaborate with many departments such as Planning, Production, NPI, QC, Finance etc.

I found that in this job you not only need to understand your customer’s needs, but you also have to cooperate with so many different Delta departments internally to meet our customer’s demands together as one team. So it’s a very challenging job and you need to utilize both your hard skills and soft skills to let things done.

Suchapa: My main roles at DET1 is productivity improvement or Kaizen, the most interesting part of my work is to learn to improve our production line by a framework of: think, organize and analysis. This makes our plant keep operating better than before.

As a newcomer, what do you think are the best ways to utilize your skills, reach your full potential and advance your career at Delta Thailand?

Suchapa: I combine and my adaptability with my knowledge of the Chinese language to gain new skills that I learn on the job here at Delta. I think this is a good way to reach my potential and achieve my goals.

Suparee: First, pick the job that best suits your personality and skillset. We have a flat organization and open-minded culture (in some teams) of Delta. So apart from our routine jobs, my team always welcomes anyone to purpose new ideas to improve your jobs for more efficiency.

How are your supervisor and teammates supporting you, and what “soft skills” are you learning at a company with so many nationalities?Suchapa: I learned to manage people at Delta and communicate with a lot of employees to reach out to them and gain their support for our team and company goals.

Suparee: My supervisor has a good training program for newcomers, he has a checklist for what you have to learn. He starts by introducing our job descriptions, targets, KPI and our evaluation program.

Then he assigns us to learn other department’s job functions. This practice can help you to understand more about your colleague’s job functions and improve relationships that helps you to better cooperate with them in the future.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years, and what are some steps you will take to reach your work and life goals?

Suchapa: I think I will become an expert in my job field. Is aim to be a successful person by accumulating experiences and applying my learned knowledge.

Suparee: In next five years, I hope I can get promoted to supervisor level and lead my team to achieve our goals.

What are the important factors for you when choosing a company, and do have any tips to share with your fellow overseas-educated Thais? Suchapa: The most important factor for me when choosing a company is finding the right position at an organization where I can grow and take on new challenges over time with great colleagues. I think Delta can give me all of this!

Suparee: Choosing a company to join would really depend on your life goal. So you should ask yourself: What is it I want in life now and in the future?

Live a Life of Challenge and Growth at Delta Thailand

Are you a Thai student or engineer abroad with big ideas and goals in life? Why not come home to continue your challenges and make your country great at an international workplace? Find out more about the Delta’s International Recruitment Program from our Delta Thailand Careers Page or contact our HR today.

David Nakayama

About the Author (Editorial Team)

David Nakayama

If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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