A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Defenders Help Protect DET During Thailand’s 3rd COVID Wave

By David Nakayama - Published May 11, 2021

Text by David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms
Photos by DET COVID Taskforce

Samutprakarn, Thailand, April 20, 2021- Thailand’s third COVID wave struck the country just as everyone was starting the Songkran holidays. Unlike previous waves, this one originated in the trendy nightlife district of Bangkok and soon spread at an unprecedented rate.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in January 2020, the Delta Thailand COVID Taskforce has planned, reported, set guidelines and acted to stop the virus that threatens the safety and livelihood of every Delta Family member. The Taskforce includes members from DET’s Safety, Admin, Facility, Safety, HR, GR, ER and Corp Comms departments. The Taskforce’s top priority is to identify and isolate infection risks while stopping risky behavior to protect everyone.

Our Delta Defenders are on the frontline to protect you against COVID. Let’s meet the teams and see how they help us and what we can do to join in the fight against the invisible threat-COVID.

DET Safety: Our COVID First Responders

Our DET Safety and GR teams respond to any suspected cases of COVID and arrange for anyone with symptoms to immediately go to the hospital for testing. If you have COVID symptoms or have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID patient, please alert your supervisor and DET Safety immediately.

If your test results are positive, DET Safety will investigate your activity timeline and who you’ve been in contact with to isolate Tier-1 employees for testing and quarantine. This an important step to stop more infections so please use the required tracking app to help the team confirm your movements and contacts.

Tier-1 employees are anyone who has been within a 2.5m radius of a confirmed case at work or outside of work like staying together, lunch together and taking the same bus.

DET Safety and HR: Organizing COVID Testing

Testing helps to detect cases early and isolate infections. That’s why we have regular smell tests in all our factories. DET Safety and Facility distributes test kits and gives teams training on how to test.

With 12,000 Deltans in Thailand, we need to take testing seriously. If you are a Tier-1 person in contact with a confirmed case or you are a suspected case you must test at a hospital or by a medical professional onsite.DET HR and Employee Relations: Quarantine and WFH

If you are a Tier-1 case in close contact with a COVID case or a suspected case you need to self-quarantine for 14 days while you wait for your first test results. Our HR has arranged for anyone assigned to work-from-home or self-quarantine to continue working or quarantine with all pay and benefits.

During quarantine, you must follow the rules and stay in with all your household all the time. HR and Employee Relations teams will contact you to check up on your health status every day. We will also support you in arranging payment for tests and treatment.

DET Safety and Security Team: Checking Your Health

When you arrive at the gate our security team will check to make sure you have filled out the daily COVID questionnaire and have a green mark to show you are not at risk. If you don’t pass the questionnaire please contact your supervisor immediately and show your result.

Remember to fill out your questionnaire carefully every day before leaving for work. This will save you time and prevent crowding at the entrance.DET Facility: Helping You Working Safely

After taking any Tier-1 or employees suspected of COVID to testing, DET Facility team does extensive disinfection of all the areas the employee was in including workspace, locker, bathroom, canteen, halls and stairs. In some cases, HVAC will also be disinfected.

You can help keep COVID out by wearing your mask over your nose and mouth all the time at work, not talking while eating or drinking, not having meetings in person and cleaning your hands and areas with alcohol all the time. Every day before you leave.

DET COVID Taskforce: Unifying Prevention Actions

Representatives from all the Delta Defender teams, Supply/Admin, DET Corp Comms and the managers of each plant are in the COVID-19 Taskforce and COVID Committee that gathers information, plans and sets the best actions and policies for the COVID situation.

You can get true information from the COVID Taskforce announcements and avoid unverified or private personal information out of consideration for our people. Let’s pay attention to the Taskforce’s announcements and follow safety instructions to stay safe during COVID.


We hope this introduction gives you some idea of how many people are involved in keeping you safe and how much goes into protecting our entire Delta family. We thank all our brave Delta Defenders and all of you for giving your support during this challenging time. Let’s all Fight COVID with Delta!

David Nakayama

About the Author (Editorial Team)

David Nakayama

If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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