A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

From Thailand to the World With the Delta International Exchange Program

By David Nakayama - Published May 06, 2020

Left to right: Mongkon Thaweethanakunchai, Sunettra Phontecha

Interview with DET International Interns

Text and Photos by David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms

Bangkok, Thailand, March 9, 2020-Delta Electronics Thailand is a key player in the electronics industry and an international company leveraging transnational synergies to empower Thai talents. Today we talk with two global-minded Thai graduate students about their experiences in our Delta Thailand International Exchange Program.

What are your roles as Delta Thailand Interns?

Mongkon: I’m a sales and marketing intern in the Custom Design Power Supply business unit at Delta Thailand headquarters. My supervisor heads the project management team. In my first two weeks here, I had to study all about the company’s cross-function operations and product development process. I spent a lot of time on the shop floor learning about production. After my initial study, I joined projects to help with market research.

My assignment focuses on exploring business challenges and opportunities for a new vehicle technology in our target market for industrial, fleet and mass transport applications. I gather external intelligence with online tools and internal data from one-on-one interviews with our in-house engineers. I enjoy my in-depth discussions with veteran Delta engineers who share their views and offer direct feedback from customers. After compiling my findings, I make analysis and conclusions to inform the market and business strategy.

Sunettra: I’m an industrial engineering intern at the Delta automotive plant. My main task is to study the production cycle time for our automotive products like inverters, onboard chargers, power chargers etc. I use a stopwatch to time each process stage and then record and enter the data into our databases. The goal is to improve the processes and save time by continuous improvement. I enjoy learning about the applications of our products used in both electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles.

What are the biggest takeaways from your internship at Delta Thailand?

Sunettra: Although I got a realistic idea of an industrial engineer’s daily job processes here, I feel like I’ve just started my professional journey. Every day, I think about how to execute and maintain continuous improvement in all processes. Engineers always face new problems. But that’s what makes this profession so interesting! I love solving problems because it gives me a sense of satisfaction and the motivation to challenge myself further.

Mongkon: At Delta, I learned how to work methodically and rationalize my thought process. Multiple practical issues arising from real situations, force me to draw on my training and improvise. I also implement the 3C marketing principle and the SWOT framework in my work. Working in a global organization impacts how I manage a project, contribute to the team’s success and what constraints I control to deliver the most successful outcomes for our global customers. Finally, my frequent interactions help me improve my networking skills, which will improve my career prospects.

How did your supervisor support your internship experience?

Sunettra: I appreciate how patient my supervisor was and how she helped to acclimatize me to the workplace. She explained everything clearly and always drilled home the importance of improvement in the entire operation. Her support gave me confidence to express myself, learn how to think critically and solve problems on my own.

Mongkon: My supervisor led by example, especially on how to confront problems without hesitation. Sometimes we encounter setbacks, so we all need to learn how to deal with issues and recover swiftly. She also guided me on how to define dimensions in product marketing, drill-down targets and even how to make my presentations more interesting and attractive to audiences.

What do you find special about Delta?

Sunettra: I feel Delta cares about the environment. I was so excited on our first day to see the roof covered with solar cells that stretched out to the horizon. That beautiful sight motivated me to work hard to do my part to protect the planet. I also found that people here are friendly. Every day, I enjoy talking with my workmates and supervisors and find solutions to all sorts of issues related to work or even my life.

Mongkon: I like how the Delta offers subsidies to interns and employees. It’s interesting to see the how company system manages and improves the performance of thousands of employees. For example, there are e-learning programs available for everyone to develop their own work skills. I also think Delta’s CSR programs contribute to the local community and environment. This makes see Delta as not just a self-concerned company but a global citizen with a positive impact on society.

Can you share your next plans and any advice for the program managers to consider?Mongkon: I’d like to work as a project manager in international marketing. I hope to work up to one year in Taiwan with a company that focuses on Taiwan-Thai joint projects and transfer with the same company to Thailand.

I think the internship is too short. A one-year program with more advancement options would be better. For example, I’d definitely be interested in advancing to trainee for one year and cross-train in multiple departments to learn the entire process before becoming a full-time employee.

Sunettra: After graduating, I’d like to stay in China to work for five years. I especially like Guangzhou. If possible, I’d like to work at Delta China in an automotive-related job. I love cars and my favorite car is the Nissan Juke.

I think a two-month internship isn’t long enough. I’d like to stay here longer because I feel I just started getting used my job and need at least four months to learn it well.  

David Nakayama

About the Author (Editorial Team)

David Nakayama

If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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