A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Celebrating Our Furry Friends on International Dog Day

By Delta Thailand HR - Published September 15, 2021

On August 26 International Dog Day, we celebrate our awesome and adorable furry friends and share how dogs enrich our lives and contribute to our happiness and mental well-being. Let’s meet our dog-lovers at Delta and their cute dog friends.

Rupesh Tandon, DET IPS

Hey, this is Rupesh and this is my dog, FERRA.

She has been with our family for 8+ years now. We decided to get a dog after a lot of thought since we believed it would add a good sense of responsibility for our children and she turned out to bring a lot more than that. Ferra brings liveliness, positive energy, and creates a stress-free environment in our home. She is constantly playing with us and can be quite the drama queen when she doesn’t get her way, but that’s just part of her huge personality. Together with sass, she is also the most caring dog, since if she gets too aggressive when play fighting she will instantly whine for forgiveness 

If she isn’t playing, she is cuddling with one of us, either laying in our legs or right up next to our face, taking over our pillows. Having a dog means constantly having a companion at home, especially in a time where we are all in quarantine and spend most of our days inside our home.

With all this added stress, a dog will never fail to make you smile. Getting a dog can be a huge, lifetime commitment but is the absolute best emotional support. Especially coming home after a long, stressful day at work, the one thing you can count on is your dog running to greet you just as you enter with endless love. You are the best and most important part of their life, which means you have their loyalty forever.

Piyasiri Wongfan, DET HR

This is my family dog. Her name is Toong-ngern (purse) and is two years old. My sister’s friend went back to her hometown and didn’t want to take Toong-ngern there. So we decided to raise her.

She is like a kid, a baby sister that we take care of. Because she was attacked before, she is a bit fearful. She always sits and lays down while touching us like she would need to have a safe zone and be loved by us. But when she stays with us for a long time, she gets comfortable and more cheerful. She makes us happier, more resilient when facing stress, and physically healthier.

She knows two words very well. The first one is “Go!” If she hears this word, she will know immediately that I will go out. She then will stand up and follow me all the time while looking at me with an expression like, “Can I go with you too?”

The second word she knows is “Bath”. If she hears this, she will take off running and won’t look at me until I tell her that I’m just kidding or give up and say “Okay, you don’t have to take a bath.” It makes us laugh all the time.

You have to think carefully before getting a dog. I think the most crucial question is. Do you have time for a dog? On average, dogs live between 8-15 years. They’re friendly social animals, and many don’t cope well staying at home alone for hours every day. So make sure you can give them plenty of time and attention.

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Delta Thailand HR

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