A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Learning English at DET is FUN

By Delta Thailand HR - Published July 14, 2021


Delta Thailand just wrapped up our first 2021 English Business Communication Course. A big congratulations to all our students who made so much progress and had a lot of fun.

Our practical English course gives you the skills and confidence to speak to anyone. The first course was from February to May 2021 with 1-hour classes on Monday and Thursday.

A big thank you to our teacher Mr. Conrado U. Aquino from the Hua Chiew University, who gave the 30-class course to 40 Delta students.

This course is open for all departments. Anyone who wants to improve their English can challenge themselves.

By the end of the course, each participant could confidently do a speaking presentation in English. Presentations were on the following topics:

  • My Learning Experience in Joining the Delta Business English Communication Course
  • The Benefits and Values that I Have Gained in Joining the Delta Business English Communication Course
  • The Delta Business English Communication Course is a Tool for My Career Development
  • My Personal Assessment as a Participant of the Delta Business English Communication Course
  • The Professional Development Program Offered by Delta Electronics Thailand to Employees

A big round of applause to all our student presenters! You can click to watch 2 fun videos below of Delta teammates: Ms. Chutimon and Ms.Natthaya who make very cute and well-organized presentations in English.

If you are interested to join our English training courses please contact DET HR.

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Delta Thailand HR

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