A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Love Yourself by Not Making Excuses to Skip Exercise

By Nutchaya Kanmarawanit - Published May 12, 2021

By Nutchaya Kanmarawanit, DET HR

Forward head, rounded shoulders, anterior pelvic tilt, headaches, arm numbness. I’ve experienced all these painful symptoms and was diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis at 24 years old! These chronic conditions, which normally afflicts 60 year-olds, made me suffer a lot so today I want everyone to pay more attention to this problem.

Currently, all generations are at risk of bad posture when sitting or standing. Our rapidly evolving world and smart technology have changed our life. We now spend hours looking down at our smartphones or tablets or lying down when watching TV.

We can easily underestimate how many hours we spend each day seating in a chair and viewing screens. However, if you don't love yourself enough you won’t realize how important your health really is and then we can always make excuses not to exercise.

“I don’t have enough time!”

Everyone has the same 24 hours, you can do your workout while watching TV, strength training before bed or take a quick break from scrolling through Facebook to do some quick home exercises instead. Believe me, it will be worth your time.“But I can’t afford a gym!”

With a little creativity and motivation, you can create your own gym anywhere! Even a water bottle can be a dumbbell or a towel can be a resistance band. You can learn stretching/dancing/yoga classes online for free.

I recommend trying out fitness YouTube channels like “Emi Wong”, “The Fitness Marshall” and “Pordipor Yoga” that can change your life. Home workouts have no cost and are safe to do during COVID-19. Just remember to choose the most suitable way to exercise for your lifestyle and home. 

Thigh Burn Workout

Stretches for Office Workers

“I don’t have the motivation”

Set up your health goals today such as losing two kilograms of weight within one month, walking 10,000 steps a day, permitting yourself to listen to music only while you are jogging, or looking forward to wearing a bikini with confidence. Don’t forget to track your progress, you will be proud of how far you have come each day that you don’t give up.

If you want good posture, make sure you get enough deep sleep and live a better lifestyle. Stop making excuses, find out what healthy activities you like and make your own rules on how to enjoy them. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can change your life.

Nutchaya Kanmarawanit

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Nutchaya Kanmarawanit

Hello! My name is Nutchaya and my nickname is Toy. I’m responsible for the OD and HR system at DET HR. Before joining Delta, I was a Thai-Chinese translator. I’m passionate about languages and cultures. In my free time, I enjoy doing yoga, dancing and playing the ukulele. If you have questions about HR, Chinese or finding friends to be your workout buddy, please contact me by email. Stay healthy and safe!

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