A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Hello and Welcome to the all-new 360 Bi-monthly Magazine

By KK Chong - Published January 02, 2020

Editor’s Note

By KK Chong, DET Corp Comms

Hello and welcome back from your well-deserved holiday and the all-new 360 bi-monthly magazine for the DET regions and subsidiaries!

If you’ve had enough of Delta news, fear not. The DET Marcomms team isn’t out to force-feed you with another slew of “company news” that you may have read and heard for the umpteenth time. (We only do that on www.deltathailand.com :) )

We want to enlist you, our colleagues and friends in India, Southeast Asia and Australia, to help us make 360 different. This platform should be intimate, real, casual and most of all, a magazine about you and for you. In fact, the colors of the 360 logo represent the main colors from the ASEAN logo (red), Indian flag (saffron) and Australian flag (dark blue).

When we set out to do the 360 bi-monthly (nope, not twice a month just every two months) online gazette, we brainstormed several names and ended up with the name “360” because this magazine is meant to be an endless loop of engaging you and interacting with you. We also want to cover a 360 degree spectrum of life in Delta from your perspectives around your region and occasionally across the globe.

So how do we do that? We’ll feature you in exclusive interviews in the Our People column and we’ll share your most memorable foodie locales and vacation hacks in our Hotspot section. Want to take a break? Join an activity in our Fun section. And for the latest announcement from management, check out Town Hall

In our inaugural issue, we’ve the pleasure to feature an exclusive interview with Mr. Hsieh Shen-yen, President of DET. In a no holds barred chat we’ll get him to touch on subjects like his early days and memories at Delta and more about life at the helm of DET. In addition, we’ve put together some key events from 2019 like the exciting story of our test drive with the Nissan LEAF up Thailand’s highest mountain - Doi Inthanon. As the official charging partner for Nissan in Thailand, Delta is reaching new heights to promote electrification and clean transportation for everyone.

We hope you will enjoy this inaugural issue of the 360 digital magazine and welcome your feedback and participation. Please leave your comments at our Delta Electronics Thailand LinkedIn page or Delta Thailand Facebook page. Alternatively, drop us an email at 360@deltathailand.com. With so many ways to get in touch, there’s simply no excuse to not join the conversation. We hope to hear from you soon!

KK Chong

About the Author (Editorial Team)

KK Chong

Cliché inspirational quotes make me cringe while creative ideas and people inspire me. Love food, dogs, traveling and staying healthy. Not one who is contented to be marching on the same spot for too long, I am grateful for the many opportunities given to explore and learn new things in Delta since 2004. See you on LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/chongkk/

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