A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Reopening and the Road to Recovery

By KK Chong and David Nakayama - Published November 12, 2021

Text by KK Chong and David Nakayama, DET Corp Comm

As countries around the world increase vaccination rates, the world is shifting from COVID-zero policies to reopening with the realization that we must learn to “live with COVID”. After months of lockdowns and vaccination drives, we are learning to overcome our fears and come to the realization that life must go on.

This November, Thailand joins many nations in reopening the country’s borders and offering much-needed work to millions of Thais in the transport and service sectors. I, for one, am confident that slowly Bangkok will soon reclaim its status as the world’s most visited city.

When faced with crisis, Thais have always demonstrated their resilience through creativity, positivity and hard work. I believe this time will be no different.

At Delta Thailand, we are cautiously following the situation as the country reopens and are adapting our policies according to the changes.

However, we will continue to remain vigilant to protect our people and support Thailand’s recovery until we beat COVID-19 for good. Thanks to everyone’s dedication we have overcome all odds to successfully vaccinate all our Delta Family who chooses to.

After a challenging year, we look forward to a well-deserved rest over the New Year and for better days ahead in 2022.

In our November issue Town Hall column, DET president Jackie Chang updates our latest COVID-19 actions and recognizes the efforts of our teams working to provide a better experience for everyone at Delta.

In the Onsite section, our 9th part of the DET Voices audio series we hear the honest voices of our people who share about the importance of truth and getting the right information these days. We mark October 10 World Mental Health Day by hearing from some co-workers about how they take care of their emotional health in their busy lives. 

We also meet 2 engineering interns and find out why their work at Delta is so interesting and fulfilling. In Malaysia, Eltek implements a solar hybrid power system in Sarawak State. Delta India IA also gives insight in AI trends in India.

In the Focus section, we feature two returnees who share their experiences studying abroad and coming back to Thailand to work at Delta. We also learn the amazing story of a Thai inventor who joined our Delta Angel Fund for Startups to develop a braille reading device for the disabled community in Thailand.

In our Up Close column, we introduce Delta veteran and Indonesia Country Manager, Mr. Johnny Tam, who tells us many interesting stories from his long time at Delta Thailand.

In the Our Success section, we celebrate the winners of Delta Angel Fund 2021 and a success case of Delta company VIVOTEK at the new MRT Red Line in Bangkok. Delta Displays in India scores a big win with a project at ATKU. We also celebrate Delta Australia’s successful Good Design Award for a localized PV inverter. 

Our CSR section, the 4th part of our DET SD series explains our RE100 targets and how we plan to reach them. We also take a look at our latest HR Awards.

And don't miss scenes of our Delta India's colorful and joyous Diwali celebrations in our Fun section.  We also announce the winner of the Delta Thailand COVID-19 Vaccination Lucky Draw.

In our Hotspot section, we head outside Bangkok to see a more family-friendly side of Pattaya that many people may not know about. We also have new episodes of our Delta 99 video series in the Whiteboard section.

About the Author (DET Corp Comm)

KK Chong and David Nakayama

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