A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

The Year of COVID-19

By KK Chong - Published March 11, 2020

By KK Chong, DET Corporate Communications

2020 didn’t kick-off like what the Chinese zodiac’s year of the metal rat had predicted- good luck and prosperity for most people. With the Covid-19 outbreak sweeping the globe, panic has become the new norm. What comes with the virus is fake news and ordinary people taking on extraordinary behavior.

Just weeks into the global epidemic, I started receiving text messages over Line and WhatsApp from friends and family members. Although their sharing is well intentioned, it’s not always well verified. Just to list a few- a YouTube video link claimed that Covid-19 isn’t an accident but a bio-weapon; another post claims that 5G radiation is the real root cause of the illness; and then there’s a supposedly viral video of a patient who stayed home and cured herself without professional medical attention. The list goes on. So how do I tell the fake news from facts? Nowadays, I either do a Google search for more reliable sources or simply forget the message and move on without forwarding it further.

At times like this I feel that fake news, conspiracy theories and hearsay are no less damaging a disease than Covid-19. While it’s tempting to share those juicy conspiracies with a click of the button we should think twice about the consequences if everyone feed the fake news trolls. For example, what would happen if a potential patient decided to follow the viral video instead of seeking professional help? Even if a real patient actually cured themselves that doesn’t mean everyone has the same chance of recovery nor the same health conditions. This is extremely risky for the patient and the people around him/ her.

As for ordinary people going to extraordinary lengths, I am talking about ugly behaviors like panic buying (see Our People on how this is also affecting our industry), profiteering mask retailers and reported cases of stubborn patients who put others in harm’s way. On a positive note, there are selfless people like my colleagues who gave away free masks and another who helped to buy them for others who couldn’t find any. Personally I think challenging times like this let us see the widest spectrum of human behavior. It serves as a reminder for me to be the better version of myself or, to be honest, start worrying about how to survive when the situation gets worse…

That said, I take my hat off to those on the frontline battling the virus and saving lives. These medical workers and volunteers are the truly extraordinary ordinary people, the real-life heroes. Thank you.

To ensure the safety of our employees, Delta group had set up regional task forces to monitor and prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Delta facilities around the world. Recommended preventive measures for everyone can be found in the Whiteboard section in this issue. We would like to remind our Delta friends and colleagues to wash your hands properly and frequently, avoid crowded places, eat right, exercise and get enough sleep.

There seems to be several depressing headlines like In the Eye of Chaos by Genalyn from Delta Philippines and Selling from the Empty Basket by Shane Arnold from Delta Australia in this issue. In fact they are actually very motivational articles relating to Delta Corporate Culture. Do check it out.

Please leave your thoughts and comments at our Delta Electronics Thailand LinkedIn page or Delta Thailand Facebook page. Alternatively, leave your comments in the Comment box below every article or simply drop us an email at 360@deltathailand.com.

KK Chong

About the Author (Editorial Team)

KK Chong

Cliché inspirational quotes make me cringe while creative ideas and people inspire me. Love food, dogs, traveling and staying healthy. Not one who is contented to be marching on the same spot for too long, I am grateful for the many opportunities given to explore and learn new things in Delta since 2004. See you on LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/chongkk/

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