A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Koh Samui Island: Rediscovering My Own Amazing Thailand During COVID

By Chanokchon Meeboonkul - Published November 16, 2020

By Chanokchon Meeboonkul, DET HR Training

Although our worldwide destination bucket lists are on ice indefinitely. I don’t believe in letting the global pandemic dampen our spirits, and lockdowns shouldn’t keep us from pursuing our passions closer to home while taking all the proper precautions.

Like some other countries in Asia, Thailand’s rate of infection has somewhat stabilized because of strict restrictions on global travel. The government recently announced incentives for Thai citizens to go on domestic trips to contribute to tourist-reliant areas that are hard hit by the lockdown restrictions. You may hear my country called “Amazing Thailand” and that’s because there’s no shortage of choices of beautiful destinations to enjoy here. This vacation, I visited Kho Samui which is an island in the south of Thailand. This island is famed as a paradise for foreign travelers because of its calm and stunning beaches. It’s also near the island of Kho Pangan which holds the world-famous and wild Full Moon Party.

With pristine and empty beaches galore and friendly islanders needing our business, there’s no need to wait anymore. So come with me and let’s go explore this lush tropical island together!

You can get to Kho Samui Island by car and ferry or fly domestically there. This time I was traveling with my mom and we took a direct domestic Bangkok Airways flight from the capital to save time. On the island, you can rent a car or motorbike to drive around the island or you can take a local taxi. Taxi fares on the island are more expensive than on the mainland and are around 150-300 baht per trip.I planned to go to the Mu Koh Ang Thong National Marine Park for a day trip, but the weather is never good from October to November. Sure enough, when we arrived the local news announced a new tropical depression. But my mom is a fighter and insisted we go ahead as planned. She hiked with me all the way to the top of the island on the Pha Jun Jaras Nature Trail. The view from the top was like a postcard picture. So amazing!   

Some other popular Kho Samui attractions and hangout spots among Thai travelers are the Seen Beach Club, COCO TAM'S, Sala Samui, Hinta Hinyai.  I tried a local dish, it’s called Uni Salad at the Happy Elephant Restaurant Samui which I highly recommend.At COCO TAM'S, they have an evening talent and fire show on the beach. The show was exciting and my mom had fun joining the show. She seemed very happy to be part of the action while I sipped on my Sangria and watched the show with the others.

This trip was a memorable time with my mom after the first COVID crisis. Now that Kho Samui isn’t full of tourists, it would be the best time for those of you who are already here in Thailand to enjoy this gem. You’ll find it’s now like a private vacation spot. 

Chanokchon Meeboonkul

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Chanokchon Meeboonkul

I’ve recently joined Delta as an HR training specialist. I believe in a good work-life balance and traveling is my favorite hobby. I would love to explore the world and take nice photos of myself at places where I enjoy memorable moments. You can connect with me and check out scenes of trips on my IG ID: chanokchon.m

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