A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Australia EOY Engineering Summit 2023

By Delta Australia - Published March 27, 2023

By Delta Australia

The Delta Electronics Australia engineering team usually hosts an annual summit towards the end of the year. However, 2022 was slightly different, as the engineering team planned to have two biannual engineering summits. The first one was held on 5th of July 2022 and the second one on 27th of January 2023.

The major goal of this summit is to take a moment to reflect on the team's performance during the year, celebrate individual and team achievements, and make plans for the year ahead. The summit offers the chance to discuss the big picture from many perspectives within a team, and it fosters a feeling of the prospects for future growth.

Our latest summit covered the following:

  • Evaluation of the team's overall performance reviewing, statistical findings from assigned tasks and projects.
  • Review of internal engineering team customers, including sales, operation, and service teams survey and feedback on engineering services.

    • Individual presentations by each member of the team on overview of their work, accomplishments, difficulties, threats, risks and roadblocks throughout the course of the year, as well as a suggested plan for the next
    • A Q&A session and open discussion period.

    The best presentation of the summit awarded to Richard Dang with the highest votes.

    The most engaging aspect of the program was the team-building activities, which assisted in improving internal relationships, communication and improved interpersonal skills, and motivation for more collaboration.

    These activities includes some fun and engaging games which strengthen the bonds between the team members and encourage the team works.
    Finally, in our summary we had a wrap up and action plan for the year 2023 was put together based on the summary of the team presentations and discussions during the summit following with an action plan.

    Overall, the engineering summit was a success and motivated the team to get involve and improve their performance in the next year to achieve their personal and professional goals.

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    About the Author (Guest Contributor)

    Delta Australia

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