A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Thailand Shares Experience in Green Factory Solutions Implementation at 2023 Thailand Energy Award Promotion

By Delta Thailand - Published March 27, 2023

Bangkok, Thailand, February 23, 2023- Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. was selected by the DEDE (Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency) under Thailand’s Ministry of Energy to participate in the press conference and award criteria discussion of Thailand Energy Awards 2023 at the Grand Richmond Hotel in Bangkok.

Mr. Pitisook Chitkasem, Delta Plant Administration Director, shared about Delta’s successful energy management and green factory solutions implementation as a special guest in a nationally televised interview on the topic. Delta Thailand has become one of Thailand’s industry leaders in energy management for the past 10 years continuously.

“By 2022, Delta Thailand has installed 7.1 MWp total capacity in solar rooftops in four factories which generated 10,400 MWh of renewable energy for 100% internal usage throughout the year. In addition to solar energy, we achieved a further 2,400 MWh of annual electricity savings from energy efficiency solutions. From 2015 to 2022, Delta Thailand made a 55% reduction in accumulated electricity intensity and by 2022 we achieved a 50% reduction in GHG intensity with 2017 as a base year,” Mr. Pitisook said.

In his interview, Mr. Pitisook shared Delta’s renewable energy strategy and solutions implemented at Thailand factories to reach the company’s target to achieve a 35% Renewable Energy Ratio by 2025 and 100% or RE100 by 2030. The Ministry of Energy has designated Delta as a model for green factory projects in Thailand and conducts regular training and promotion of eco-friendly industrial operations in the country.

In 2022, Delta Thailand new Plant 7 in Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Chachoengsao received the LEED Gold certification, in the New Construction category. The Delta Energy Management team leveraged rich experience in industrial energy management to implement an original energy efficiency solution that optimizes energy performance and exceeds baseline energy performance by 28%.

As a global corporate citizen, Delta holds thirteen Thailand Energy Awards and two ASEAN Energy Awards in recognition of its green operations and sustainable business in Thailand. In 2017, Delta was the first company in Thailand to receive the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification in the EBOM (Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance) category. Delta also continuously participates in energy related and environmental programs to deliver on its brand promise: Smarter. Greener. Together.

Delta Thailand

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Delta Thailand

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