A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Indonesia Holds IA Partner Seminars in Jakarta and Surabaya

By Delta Indonesia - Published November 08, 2023

Delta Indonesia’s IA team hosted the two seminars with local partners for distributors in Jakarta and Surabaya.

Jakarta Seminar: On September 19, we cooperated with our existing partner Ultima Niscaya Sukses- to hold the seminar for Delta Indonesia IABG. As this was the first seminar together with this partner, our aim was to update their existing customers on our latest products and solutions and also to bring in new customers who don’t know Delta yet.

The enthusiasm from our customers was high with 138 attendees from 78 companies attending. Although many of them were the existing customers from Ultima, they give us very good feedback.

Mr. Haryadi Liu, PT Adhi Jaya Metalindo, “I was surprised that Delta has a wide product portfolio addressing motion and control systems to run our machines and they continue introducing new models which I think is very useful to us to retrofit our machines. Furthermore, Delta even has solutions to enable IIoT with simple solutions. I hope in the future we can join this type of seminar that introduces the new products of Delta IABG.”

Mr. Suprapto, PT Timah Industrim “The content of the seminar can answer our needs for control systems and motion. In the next event, I hope the time to cover each subject can be a little bit longer to get more details of product features including the applications and the most important points for seamless integration with other systems, verticals and horizontal businesses. I look forward to get an invitation to this event in the future.”

Surabaya Seminar: On September 21 we held the seminar in the East Java area with our existing partner, PT Mitrainti Sejahtera Eletrindo (Misel). Their office is located in the same location. This event was also as first Delta IABG Seminar with our Surabaya partner, and our aim was to address the needs of all customers in East Java which is our 2nd largest market in Indonesia.

We targeted all segments in this area such as OEM for packaging, automotive and end-users for F&B, automotive, plastic, sugar, and steel industries. The response was very impressive, proven by attendees who fully occupied the room. We had 206 attendees from 109 companies with 70% from Misel’s existing customers and 30% from their new customers.

Mr. Herman, IRA Robotic, “We have engaged with Delta for several years and recently have many projects for the Delta Servo product, but this is the first time I heard that Delta IA also has solutions to serve their customers further especially for IIoT and process automation. I am quite surprised to hear about it. The event was held in a professional way with the demo arrangement and also from the speaker. I hope in the future can continue the same event with the update of the new product roadmap from Delta-Industrial Automation, I believe we can further cooperate in the future.

Mr. Surya Fajariyanto, Yamaha Electronics Manufacturing Indonesia, “As Delta IA has a wide range of products, I believe we can further enlarge our cooperation in the future. This is my first time hearing about Delta’s IA product portfolio explanation in a wider spectrum. As our first event, the content of the seminar and the way PT Misel arranged the demo are quite impressive, let’s continue to explore further engagement between Yamaha and Delta.”

Delta Indonesia

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Delta Indonesia

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