A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

CIS & Eltek Engineering Summit 2021 Sydney: Not Just Another Meeting

By Farhad Azizian - Published January 19, 2022

By Farhad Azizian and Kirandeep Kaur, Delta Electronics and Eltek Australia

Every year, the CIS and Eltek engineering teams at Delta Electronics Australia hold an annual summit towards the end of the year. 2021 was no exception, and the engineering summit was held on Tuesday, 21st December 2021.

The main aim of this summit was to pause and look back, review the team performance during the year before, identify the highlights and lowlights, and plan for the year ahead. The annual summit provided the opportunity to bring different perspectives within a team together to talk about the big picture and created a shared sense of opportunities for future improvement.

In addition to all local engineering team members, David Leal (Country Manager) and Steve Davis (Sales Director) attended this year’s engineering summit.

The summit covered the following events:

  • Review of overall team performance and statistical results on allocated tasks and projects and comparison with the year before to show improvements.
  • Review of survey results on engineering team performance and feedback from team’s customers. This included 3 internal company surveys - Team Review by team members, Team Management by team members, and Customer Satisfaction by sales, operation, and service teams.
  • Individual presentations from all the team members with a summary of their work, achievements, and challenges during the year, as well as the proposed plan for next year.
  • End-of-Year Overview of the engineering team by David Leal and Steve Davis. The team also provided their feedback and requests for next year to the management team.
  • Q&A and free discussions session
  • Group lunch, where the whole team got the opportunity to have lunch together. 

  • Voting for the most influential team member of 2021: Kent Lin was voted as the “Most Influential Team member” by the engineering team and received his prize.
  • Team building activities was the most interesting part of the whole event, helping the team with building internal relationships and interpersonal skills, encouraging proper and effective communication, and motivating more collaboration.

  • Summary, closing off, and action plan for the year 2022 was put together based on the summary of the team presentations and discussions during the summit. The actions are to be followed up during the early year team meetings.

The engineering team’s New Year resolution for 2022 is to reduce the quality issues in all areas, improve their design by applying safety in design, and also to provide more integrated solutions using different Delta BU’s products to improve customer satisfaction.

    Farhad Azizian

    About the Author (Guest Contributor)

    Farhad Azizian

    Originally from Iran, I migrated to Australia in 2009 and joined Delta Electronics (Eltek) Australia in 2017 as the head of the engineering team. With the focus on Telco and Data Center sector, I enjoy the technical challenges in mission critical projects and sharing my experience in this field.

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