A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Electronics Singapore Participates in Delta 50th Anniversary Celebration

By Robert Djuantoro - Published July 14, 2021

By Delta Singapore

The year 2021 is a new milestone for Delta as we welcome our 50th anniversary!

With the “Influencing 50, Embracing 50” Delta global theme, we held a series of activities for our 50th anniversary to celebrate this remarkable milestone.

From an anniversary concert which featured a viewing of the conservation BCC documentary selected for the 50th anniversary exhibition – ‘Sustainable Conservation, Nurturing Life’.

All Delta Singapore employees also got the chance to participate in this celebration in fun ways. As one of the members of the big family of Delta, we can show our creativity, break the limitations of time and space, and use mobile phones, computers or other methods to record a blessed video of singing and dancing.

Here are the four teams from Delta Singapore that participated in making original dancing performances to congratulate our Delta 50th Anniversary.

Delta SG Kaki Bukit

Nucleos, Delta SG

NTU, Delta SG

Delta SG, Teban Garden Team

Emalyn, one of the energetic dancers who participated in the video project said, "I feel so honored to be able to participate in this event, even just a small part of it.” 

We also recorded our joyful wishes of congratulations on the occasion of our Delta 50 Anniversary in various languages in our region.

Click the links to watch our videos: https://deltatube.deltaww.com/#/home/video/player?uuid=3c162b6a729c4d22b71a322eb69a65ae


Besides our dance teams and Delta teammates, Delta Singapore management also joined in with their personal wishes to the Delta Family around the world.

We hope you enjoy the videos. 

Happy 50 Years Delta!

Robert  Djuantoro

About the Author (Guest Contributor)

Robert Djuantoro

Nice to meet you all. I have been with Delta/Eltek since 2008. I love movies and sports, especially cycling. Currently, I support IT ERP and CRM for Delta SEA.

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