By David Nakayama - Published September 21, 2022
By David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms
Bangkok, Thailand, July 27, 2022 - Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. hosted an 18-member delegation from the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) to explore Delta’s solar energy solutions and energy management system at its green factory headquarters.
Mr. Jackie Chang, Delta Thailand President, welcomed the delegation and introduced the company’s businesses and positive impact on Thai society. Mr. Pitisook Chitkasem, Delta Plant Administration Director, presented Delta’s solar rooftop project and energy management solutions, environmental contributions and the green building renovation project that helped Delta win Thailand Energy Awards and international green building certifications.
The Delta Energy Management Team then led the delegation to survey the key energy-saving and renewable energy solutions at Delta Thailand’s green headquarters:
Delta Thailand’s green factory and renewable energy project are a core part of the company’s sustainable development strategy and in response to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)
As a green solutions pioneer in Thailand, Delta serves as a model for energy-efficient and sustainability to the nation’s industry leaders. Delta welcomes partnerships from the private and public sectors to tackle the issue of climate change and support a low-carbon society in Thailand.