A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

ET Voices #12 Be a Professional

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published September 21, 2022

For over 30 years, Delta Thailand has been a place for people of all backgrounds to work and earn a living. However, our work can be much more than just a job to support our lives. No matter what our tasks are, we can strive to become a professional and build a career. 

In our 12 edition of DET Voices, we hear from four positive and Delta women who answer the following questions in their own words:

  1. What do you think makes someone a professional?
  2. How would you like to improve your career?
  3. What actions are you taking to become a better professional?
  4. What skills and character qualities make a professional a leader?

  1. Ratree Attavicha

Hello my name is Ratree Attavicha. I’m working in the DNI department.

I think everyone's potential is not the same. So my advice is just to do your best on your assignment and try to be a professional. Try to update your skills constantly to contribute to your team on the production line. Also, pay attention to your assigned duties and execute them.

We should learn new things at work regularly. When we have a problem with our team’s production line, we should try to improve our process and remove anything that's faulty or get the job done with minimal waste.

Pay attention to your duties and improve yourself. Learn new things, and demonstrate your talents to the best of your ability. We must constantly update our knowledge and improve our character to get good things in life.

To develop high-level leadership skills you need a broad vision and should try to learn new things and have new ideas. Express yourself clearly and let your peers around you have a sense of progress and good performance in their careers too.

  1. Pornwipha Kanajan

Hello my name is Pornwipha Kanajan. I’m a leader at the DNI plant.

I think skills, abilities, learning ability and understanding of an individual makes them a professional.

I think we can improve the working process of our Work In Progress (WIP) parts to have better efficiency and be able to close the work on time.

We can learn more about how we can make our workflow better and pay attention to improvement.

To become a leader, I think we need to try to study more and learn the skills better and then be able to pass that knowledge on to others.

      1. Juthamat Ployphum

      Hello, my name is Juthamat Ployphum and I work in the SMT department.

      I think a professional must study their work thoroughly and understand it deeply. You should also keep an open mind to taking on new duties and new tasks.

      As you learn about the job and also learn more about how to work with colleagues, you can help develop your workplace and ask questions about the important details in your work that lead the team to make things better.

      You can improve the work you do today by always reviewing to find if there are any problems with your work process, and then thinking about how to solve that problem.

      When you learn your work well you have valuable knowledge to pass on to others. For example, right now we are learning by examining sample pieces and comparing them with other workpieces for usability.

      1. Pimprapai Arunpraphapun

      Hello my name is Pimprapai Arunpraphapun. I’m a Supervisor in the DNI department.

      For me, I think four things make a person a professional. First is experience, second is expertise, third is never stopping in developing themselves, constantly learning new things and last is being assertive about the right things.

      Basically, for myself I must be determined to do the best at the work I’m assigned. Secondly, we have to constantly learn new things in this work.

      We need to keep practicing and improving ourselves and build a quality team on the shop floor. Because I believe if we have a quality team, our work will be quality and be at a professional standard as well.

      For me, I think there are three things that make a professional a leader. One of them is good vision and a good attitude, second is fairness and impartiality. Last, they must demonstrate personal leadership in their behavior and inspire teamwork.

        About the Author (Editorial Team )

        Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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