A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Thailand Renews 2-Year Certification in the Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption

By Delta Thailand - Published May 10, 2023

Bangkok, Thailand, April 05, 2023 – Delta Thailand successfully renewed its two-year certificate for the Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC). In 2020, Delta Thailand was certified by the CAC which gathers leading Thai companies to create an ethical business ecosystem with effective policy, certification program and anti-corruption compliance standards. The CAC certification is valid for two years.

Delta Thailand has established policies and procedures to prevent and address corruption including a Code of Conduct, a No-Gift Policy and a declaration of Conflict of Interest for employees. All employees must attend yearly training and pass an examination of the company Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption policies. In addition, Delta has whistleblowing channels and regularly discloses the progress in anti-corruption to stakeholders.

In the certification process, Delta’s Company Secretary team fills out a Self-Evaluation Form for submission to the CAC. The CAC is the sole collective action initiated by the Thai private sector to tackle corruption and is one of the region's leading anti-corruption programs. Today the CAC had almost 1,000 signatory companies and Delta is one of almost 400 companies certified for excellent business integrity and acceptable corporate conduct for all stakeholders.

Founded in 2010, CAC is a platform for Thailand’s leading business organizations to tackle corruption on a voluntary basis through collective action. It developed a unique certification program that helps members put in place strong anti-corruption compliance standards and assumes an advocacy role in graft-fighting on behalf of the business sector.

As a global corporate citizen, Delta has corporate governance and an anti-corruption policy, training and actions for all employees and suppliers to adhere to as a core part of its sustainable development strategy.

Delta Thailand

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Delta Thailand

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