A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Electronics Thailand Gets UL Environment Zero Waste to Landfill Validation for Sustainable Waste Processing Operations

By David Nakayama - Published July 13, 2022

Bangkok, Thailand, June 6, 2022- Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL., received the highest designation UL2799A Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) validation from UL Environment. UL is the leader in third-party product testing and certifications and validates claims for manufacturers.

UL Environment’s auditing and analysis validated the environmental claim-“Delta Electronics has achieved Zero Waste to Landfill Platinum Operations, 100% diversion”-positioning Delta Thailand as a top-performing sustainable company for global customers. 

UL Environment, a division of UL (Underwriters Laboratories), works to advance global sustainability, environmental health, and safety by supporting the growth and development of environmentally preferable products, services, and organizations. UL Environment’s Zero Waste to Landfill badge communicates to customers that Delta Thailand’s efforts to reduce waste have been proven through rigorous scientific evaluation.

Delta Thailand’s third-party validation from UL Environment is part of its long-term and holistic sustainable development (SD) strategy to enhance sustainability among all aspects of its operations. UL Environment validated Delta Thailand’s achievement of zero waste to landfill 100% diversion, with 0.1% Thermal Processing Energy Recovery, and 99.7% Reuse and Recycle.

The highest UL Environment designation of “Zero Waste to Landfill Platinum Operations, 100% diversion” is reserved for the highest performing companies with a 100% waste diversion rate (including waste to energy), a maximum waste to energy recovery rate up to 10% and 0% landfill rate (including thermal processing without energy recovery and additional waste to energy that exceeds a 10% threshold).

Delta Thailand’s 8-month validation process included a questionnaire to gather baseline waste information, ZWTL UL2799 training, a three-phase pre-assessment and final validation.

The pre-assessment phases included:

  • Project planning
  • Documentation review
  • Onsite assessments of waste diversion practices
  • Performance presentation

Key data collected from Delta Thailand’s teams in Energy Management, Sustainable Development, HR and Environment functions included:

  • Monthly waste summary data
  • Waste shipping data
  • Delta’s waste carriers
  • Waste handler declaration
  • SOPs related to the handling of excess materials generated during processes

Waste diversion routes accepted by UL Environment can be onsite diversion (reuse, recycle) or offsite diversion (recycle, waste to energy, anaerobic digestion, biofuel, compost). To calculate the waste diversion equation, UL Environment reviewed documentation of material type, quantity, and intended treatment of all materials leaving Delta Thailand sites and compared this to the material handler and processor’s information. Unprocessed materials are calculated as landfilled.

As a green factory and sustainable industry leader in Thailand, Delta pursues the highest global sustainability standards throughout its operations. This latest UL Environment certification underscores Delta’s commitment to sustainability and responsible supply to global customers.

David Nakayama

About the Author (Editorial Team)

David Nakayama

If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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