A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Welcome to 2020: New Year’s Greetings from DET Management

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published January 02, 2020

By Dick Hsieh, DET President, and Jackie Chang, DET Vice President :

DET management would like to welcome all Delta employees in the SEA, India and ANZ regions and our subsidiaries back from the holidays that you deserve. Hope you had a pleasant New Year! 

The year 2019 was a challenging one for Delta Thailand group (DET). As you know, we’re facing many new challenges because of the US-China trade war affecting businesses and economies worldwide. On a regional level, we are also facing Thai Baht’s appreciation against the US Dollar and downturn in automotive industry largely brought about by the trade war. With your hard work and dedication, we are able to stay profitable despite with much lower profit margins.

As we enter 2020, management foresees the prolonged trade war will only bring about bigger challenges. Therefore everyone needs to maintain razor-sharp focus in executing the company’s strategies and be on constant lookout for opportunities and sustainable solutions. At the same time, it is imperative to make sure we’re agile enough to adapt to the changing landscape while prioritizing the company’s interests. A drawn-out trade war and economic uncertainty could cause more changes in the actions and business plans of our consumers and producers too.

Despite these challenges, we are confident that we can overcome the biggest hurdles as a team. Over the last 30 years, together, we have built a strong foundation for a sustainable business. So in these times of uncertainty, you can know that DET is a built-to-last company. To prove the point, in addition to our healthy balance sheet over the years, DET has been inducted in the Hall of Fame for Thailand’s Top Corporate Brand in 2019 after being awarded for five consecutive years. 

Even for our relatively new EVCS business in Thailand, we have won the 2019 Thailand Electric Vehicle Charging Company of the Year Award by Frost & Sullivan, a global consulting firm. In new markets like Vietnam and Indonesia, major projects in CIS and EVCS were won and promising inroads were made for future growth. Furthermore we can look forward to the inauguration of India’s Bengaluru R&D center that will provide a significant edge for Delta in the region over our competitors.

Looking ahead, we are certain that the success of Delta depends on each of your individual contributions along with team efforts. The decisions and actions you make every day to pursue excellence will continue to make a huge impact on Delta’s success. So please take those small steps towards continual improvement and always reflect on how you can help to drive success for Delta especially during the coming year.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and prosperous 2020 ahead!

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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