A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Hello 2024: New Year’s Greetings from DET CEO and President

By Victor Cheng and Jackie Chang - Published January 23, 2024

Jackie Chang, DET President and COO

Sawatdee Bpi Mai Krub. Happy New Year to everyone at Delta!

2023 was another record year of growth for our teams and achievements for everyone at Delta. I would like to extend my gratitude for your determination and teamwork that helped us maintain customer excellence and overcome many challenges to ensure on-time delivery for our global customers. Special appreciation goes to our EV business and production teams for their hard work in meeting the growing demands in both volume and quality from customers.

In 2024, we have many exciting new developments and projects. As you may know, Delta has added a fourth business category called Mobility to our three existing categories of Power Electronics, Automation and Infrastructure. Additionally, Delta Thailand is now the top production hub for our global EV business and our new Delta 8 Plant will help us expand our production capacity significantly. We invite you to find new learning opportunities in the exciting field of low-carbon transportation.

Delta remains committed to ensuring you have a fair, safe and healthy workplace. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us enforce our company policies against unethical and illegal activities like corruption and substance abuse. We encourage you to use our whistleblower channels to report any issues involving employees or suppliers and vendors. Your ideas and active participation will contribute to making Delta a company you can be proud of.

Lastly, I am delighted to introduce our new CEO, Victor Cheng, who will share a few words with you.

Victor Cheng, DET CEO

Sawatdee Krub and Happy New Year to everyone at Delta Thailand! My name is Victor Cheng and this month I started as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Delta Thailand. In my new role, I will oversee all aspects of our business, R&D, worldwide operations, and administrative support teams. Jackie Chang will continue as the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). He will oversee the management of all businesses, supplier relationships, and operations.

Before coming to Thailand, I was Executive Vice President of Delta’s Infrastructure Business (IFB) and was responsible for global ICT and energy infrastructure businesses, as well as display-related products and solutions. Before that, I led the Delta ICTBG and DNI which have production at DET 3. Over the course of my career, I have been involved in many Delta businesses and products throughout the years.

Right now, we are in a post-pandemic era that presents both uncertainties and opportunities. To adapt and thrive, Delta needs to look beyond today and start to further establish a solid foundation to support the next phase of growth. As CEO, I bring with me my management experience, especially in R&D and worldwide operation, and my track record in various Delta business groups. This new capability along with Jackie’s exceptional leadership at Delta Thailand, can help our company significantly enhance our focus on both support functions and operations in Delta Southeast Asia and Australia-New Zealand regions and accelerate Delta’s regional growth.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that our goals remain focused on sustainable growth in the region and continue to deliver value to our employees, customers, partners and stakeholders. I look forward to having the opportunity to meet you in person and participate in our company activities and learn more about the rich culture of Thailand. Thank you!

Yours sincerely,
Victor Cheng, DET CEO, and Jackie Chang, DET President and COO
Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

About the Author (DET CEO and DET President and COO)

Victor Cheng and Jackie Chang

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