A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

DET Keeps Calm and Carries On During COVID-19

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published May 11, 2021

Is your mask on properly? Your mask should cover your nose and mouth all the time. Only take your mask off when eating or drinking and don’t talk without you mask on.

Feel sick or have anyone with COVID symptoms at home? Tell your supervisor first. Don’t try go to work without reporting! If you need to quarantine, HR will arrange your compensation and benefits with you.

How do we know what are true facts about COVID and what is just FAKE NEWS? Let’s only trust official sources like announcements from the Thai DDC and Delta COVID Taskforce. Let’s also do our part to always use the Thai Chana app to record our timeline and help Delta protect all our Delta Family.

Did you fill out your COVID Questionnaire before leaving for work today? Doing Delta’s form every day gives us 1 more layer of protection against COVID. It’s important read the questions carefully when you do it to get the right result. Remember to report any RED results right away to your supervisor. 

Did you know that just sharing Moobings with Kao Niao or a Chang Beer with your friends can easily spread COVID? Please think about safety for yourself, your children and the elders at home. Stop sharing snacks or drinks with friends and protect your family!

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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