A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Thailand Holds 2022 Intern Teambuilding Activity

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published July 13, 2022

Delta Thailand HR held the 2022 Intern Teambuilding Activity to invite our hardworking and bright interns from each plant to enjoy a day to meet each other, bond and learn more about work and life at Delta.

The activity was held at our Delta Plant 5 Conference Room with 37 engineering and staff interns joining from our Automotive, IA, Networking, Facility, Automation, HR, Facility, Kaizen divisions.

To kick-off the activity, Mr. Chih Hao-Huang, Delta SEA CHRO, welcomed all the participants and share Delta’s company overview and vision.

After, Mr. Sarayut Daenkaiwankaew, Senior Director in Production, gave an engaging talk to share his experiences building a long a rich career at Delta Thailand.Next HR invited a training company called Key Solutions to host a number of educational and fun activities for everyone to enjoy. Individual and team games and activities included:

  • Who R U activity
  • Internship and onboarding experience sharing
  • The power of mindset
  • From a good to great team: generation gap, team communication
  • Delta team play: conflict management, role play, team synergy

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the fun-filled day of learning and relaxing with their fellow interns from different departments and plants.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our interns for taking part in the activities and our trainers and managers for taking your time to train and inspire us all.

DET HR has the following training and activity schedule for our interns:

Date Course Name
1. 14/6/2022 Basic Delta PLC Skills
2. 21/6/2022 Delta Intern Teambuilding Day
3. 08/7/2022 System Analysis  Measurement
4. 17/8/2022 Basic Python and Intermediated Python
5. 25/8/2022 Intermediate Excel Skills
6. 15/9/2022 Power Point Design and Making Infographics
7. 21/9/2022 Basic Statistic

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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