A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Thailand President Message: Your Daily Diligence Builds a Sustainable Delta

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published September 21, 2022

Dear DET Family,

I hope you are all healthy and upbeat as we continue our important work to support Thailand’s recovery and sustainable growth at Delta and our communities. Although we still face challenges, we are hopeful that the worst of COVID-19 is behind us and we can look forward to getting on with our lives.

At Delta we talk about sustainability a lot but what does sustainability really mean to us? I was asked this question in a recent interview with the Nation TV channel and I believe at Delta sustainability is in our mission “To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow” so everything we do each day is about sustaining and improving life for our customers, our families, our communities and our planet.

Every day, your work helps Delta provide more green products to our customers that are better for the environment. In 2021, 27% of our revenue was from green products and solutions and we helped our customers save 1,223M kWh of electricity from our green products sold from 2016-2021 which is equal to 1.996M tons of carbon emissions reduction.

Our green factories are possible with your hard work and diligence. Recently, our Facility and Service teams did major cleaning and maintenance at our plants including our DET5 factory and headquarters which is over 25 years old.

Our teams cleaned the solar panels on rooftops so we can harvest the maximum amount of energy from the sun. We are also upgrading our HVAC equipment to save more energy and make your workplace more comfortable.

In addition, we also monitor and improve our water recycling and drinking water systems and our cleaning teams are working hard to keep our bathrooms, canteen and public areas clean and pleasant for everyone to use safely.

Let’s all do our part to keep our company clean and safe. I would like to remind everyone to make sure your contract workers and vendors drive safely and observe all safety rules inside the company.

Recently, our new Plant 7 officially received the LEED Gold certificate from the US Green Building Council. Delta also got our ESG Rating upgraded to 'AA' in 2022 from 'A' in 2021 by MSCI Global. Congratulations to the Energy Management Team and SD Team and everyone involved in these achievements!

I recently had the opportunity to join the 2022 Northern Thailand School Scholarships to offer 979,000 baht in assistance to 51 schools and 468 students in both Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai Provinces.

This trip is one of the highlights of the year for me because I get to meet many smart and ambitious students and see the simple way of life in the beautiful mountains of northern Thailand as we find ways to better support them and their schools.

Finally, I was happy to see how well our Thai teams did at the Delta Cup. Congratulations to the Mahidol University Team on winning the Grand Prize! I am very impressed with all the teams who are finding creative and practical solutions to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

So remember, no matter what your job is, you can be proud that your work each day is making Delta and Thailand more sustainable today and in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Chang

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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