A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Thailand President Town Hall Message July 2020

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published July 14, 2020

Dear Delta Thailand family,

I want to personally thank each and every one of you for doing your part to make sure we all stay safe at Delta and keep our families healthy during the COVID-19 time.

As we enter the phase of new normal in Thailand, I would like to remind everyone to continue wearing masks, keep social distancing and avoid unnecessary travel and crowded areas. Keeping yourself safe means keeping your loved ones safe too.

Now that the most serious crisis period is passing, I look forward to more chances to meet with you and find out what you think and feel about your work and life at Delta.

Over the years, Delta has been active in giving back to society and doing our part in creating a stronger Thailand that will be ready for Industry 4.0. This year, I believe it is time we take a closer look at our own Delta family in addition to our CSR activities. I believe if we want to improve our society and the communities around us, we need to learn by building our own Delta family first.

Therefore, I have decided to strengthen our Employee Relationship team and initiated several programs to connect with you and to continuously improve our working environment based on your feedback.

There are now more ways than ever before for you to join the conversations at DET. You can join Delta activities like our recent Driving Safely Campaign or smaller events with your Delta friends like the new Coffee Talk With Our President. We will be arranging more Coffee Talk sessions with different teams soon.

Another new initiative is the DET Line account. You can get the latest updates and share your opinion anytime and anywhere on our new DET LINE account. All this information can help you upgrade your life at Delta. The LINE account ensures that everyone in the Delta Family has equal access to company news, policies and updates.

Remember, there is no feedback that is too small. I will personally look into every feedback form from the DET Line account and work with the relevant departments to take the necessary corrective actions that are constructive, reasonable and beneficial for the majority of our workmates.

You can follow the DET LINE posts for our regular updates on what corrective actions we take. Please be assured that all personal information will be kept strictly confidential and your feedback will not affect your work performance in any way.

Thank you again and I hope to meet you soon online and offline at DET!

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Jackie Chang
President of Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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