A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Delta Thailand President Message: Happy New Year 2021!

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published January 28, 2021

Dear DET Family,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed your New Year holidays! Although 2020 was a challenging year for everyone in the world we can be thankful for how Delta has overcome every time and proud of our remarkable successes.

I’m happy that our business is doing well but let me remind everyone that our mission is still the same-to satisfy our customers with energy-efficient innovation. Our focus is still on sustainable growth. We don’t get distracted by the highs or lows of the moment because we commit to providing value and building a better tomorrow every single day.

When the second wave of COVID-19 began in Thailand at the end of 2020 we instantly mobilized our taskforce and implemented new prevention measures with full support of Safety, Facility, HR and Employee Relations departments to make sure every Delta Family member is safe.

Some of the recent prevention measures we implemented already are:
• Increased mask wearing at Delta
• Restriction of entry/exit at Delta
• Increase cleaning
• Increased temperature and new smell testing

Please check announcements on DET LINE or email of our new measures according to the situation.

DET Management puts your safety at the highest priority and will continue to work closely with the taskforce to implement more measures that will enhance your safety and well-being.

We thank you for your continued support and cooperation to:
• Always wear masks
• Report any COVID-19 related issues to Safety
• Avoid rumors that will impact everyone’s safety and ability to work for our families
Remember we are here for each other both in good and bad times. So please always think about how your actions will affect your friends and colleagues at Delta. Let’s keep protecting ourselves and our Delta Family.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Chang

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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