A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Discovering a Delta Thailand Career in Taiwan with the Delta International Recruitment Program

By David Nakayama - Published January 19, 2022

Interview with DET International Recruits

Text and Photos by David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms

Bangkok, Thailand, October 6, 2021- As a global company, Delta Electronics Thailand collaborates with top universities in both Thailand and Taiwan to offer international work opportunities to Thai talents overseas. Today we talk with two dynamic Thai returnees, Ananya Ariyarit and Phattanee Tangpanityanon (left and right in the above photo), about their experiences discovering Delta Thailand in Taiwan through the Delta International Recruitment Program.

Congratulations on joining Delta Thailand! Can you share with us a little about yourself? Where are you from? What did you study?

Ananya: My nickname is Jib and I’ve been working as an IE engineer at Delta Thailand for around two years. I got my bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at Mahidol University.

After graduating I got the scholarship to study in Taiwan for a master’s degree in Industrial and Information Management at National Cheng Kung University. I joined Delta when I returned to Thailand.

Phattanee: Hi! My nickname is Elle. I was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. I got a bachelor’s degree of Civil Engineering from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.

My first job was UX developer at a startup company. I then worked as a procurement engineer at a construction company. My working experience opened my eyes to real-world business and led me to pursue a master’s degree in Business and Management at Tamkang University, Taiwan. I joined Delta Thailand in May this year.

Did you ever study the Chinese language before going to Taiwan or China? Why did you choose to study there?

Ananya: Yes, I’ve studied Chinese since I was young. I choose to study in Taiwan because it’s not too far from Thailand and my parents were able to visit me whenever they wanted. The living expenses are also not that high compare to Thailand and lower than other developed countries.

Phattanee: I never studied Chinese before going to Taiwan but I think that language learning can broaden your horizons. Taiwan is internationalized with great resources for international students and a lot of top-ranked universities with the same rate of tuition fees compared to Thailand. You also can get a chance to learn Mandarin from native speakers. I can say without a doubt that Taiwan is one of the countries with a well-established and accessible public transportation system with buses, trains or MRT available anywhere.

Overall studying in Taiwan is one of the best choices that I have made in my life. Taiwanese are extremely friendly and welcoming. They are willing to help foreigners and I found Taiwan is a relatively safe country, with a low crime rate. Living costs like housing, transportation and food are also affordable. Regarding career opportunities, there are a lot of chances for foreigners depending on what you are looking for.

How did your experiences abroad benefit you, and how do you think Thais returning from overseas can best contribute to the country?

Phattanee: From my perspective, studying overseas helped me enhance my confidence and independence because I needed to get out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in a new environment and culture. Making friends with people who come from different nationalities helped me to see the world through different eyes.

It also helped my personal growth and gave me a sense of responsibility. Living alone in a foreign country means you have to face and handle problems on your own. You have to challenge yourself with less help from your family and friends. These hardships will force you to grow up and become mature.

I think as part of the new generation of our country, Thais returning from overseas can contribute to our nation by sharing what we learned and using our knowledge and expertise to develop our country in the right direction.

Ananya: By studying abroad we can make many friends from all around the world. I also can try many things that I’ve never tried before in Thailand and learn how to adapt to a new environment.

I think we’re able to use our experiences overseas and find good ways to apply our learnings here in Thailand. These new perspectives and methods can contribute to our country.

How did you find out about the Delta International Recruitment program, and why did you join?

Ananya: When I was studying in Taiwan, Delta Thailand held a Recruitment Orientation and Interview session at my university there. I learned about the event from our International Student Affairs Division. At that time I joined the even because I was already planning to go back and find a job in Thailand after graduation.

Phattanee: I found the Delta International Recruitment program on a job search website in Taiwan called 104人力銀行.  I saw the job ad and description and found it was a great fit for my skills so I immediately submitted my resume. After a few days, Delta HR sent me an email and called me to confirm my interview. This was such an exciting moment because I actually had a keen interest in Delta for a few years already.

I was impressed with the products Delta manufactures and felt drawn to working here. Our products and services are clearly created to a very high standard with a reasonable price. I only want to work with an organization that has ambitious plans like Delta. I can picture myself working with such a company and being a part of the Delta Family.

Which Delta Plant and job position did you join? What has impressed you most about the operations and people at Delta Thailand?

    Ananya: I joined Delta Plant 5 as an engineer. I’m impressed that Delta gives the same opportunity to everyone based on their performance and never discriminates against anyone based on race, nationality, sex, language, political, birth or another status.

    Phattanee: I applied for the role of Compensation and Benefits Officer at Delta Plant 5. The most impressive thing about the operations and people at Delta Thailand is the fact that everyone is so supportive and encouraging. Whenever I have a question or need some assistance, they are willing to guide me and immediately lend me a helping hand. Most of my colleagues are reliable and accountable. They work well and know what needs to be done as a team.

    What are your main roles at Delta Thailand now, and what do you find is the most interesting part of your work?

    Ananya: Currently my work as an industrial engineer means I need to improve the processes in our production to help our production teams to produce the most units with excellent quality.

    Due to the fact that my job is related to the manufacturing team, we have to face all types of issues each day on the production lines. We must troubleshoot and solve issues in the best way possible.

    Phattanee: I basically have to take care of our expat management and this includes supporting visa and work permit processes and SEA C&B affairs. I also make reports related to local-hire and expat personnel’s compensation and am responsible for planning activities projects, demand surveys and effectiveness evaluations related to employee welfare.

    The most interesting part about my position is the way that I can be a part of developing and implementing the policy to attract high-potential candidates and use my interpersonal and communication skills to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

    As a newcomer, what do you think are the best ways to utilize your skills, reach your full potential and advance your career at Delta Thailand?

    Phattanee: I think the best way to advance one’s career path is to never stop learning. The world around us is changing faster than ever before and one day the solutions that we used to depend on will no longer apply.

    No matter where you are in your career, you have to continue to learn, embrace change and learn from your mistakes. Be optimistic and believe in yourself. Never be afraid to ask your boss or colleagues for advice. Understand your ability and skill so you know how to utilize and maximize what you have.

    Ananya: As a newcomer, I think it would be good to try asking questions to your leaders or peers so you can get all the information that you need for your work. Try to learn as many things as you can, but do not put too much pressure on yourself.

    How are your supervisor and teammates supporting you, and what “soft skills” are you learning at a company with so many nationalities?

    Ananya: My supervisor and teammates always support me and each other. We always respect each other’s decisions but when have any problem or questions we are still able to assist and discuss things together to get the best solution for our team. The soft skills that I have learned here are having more self-confidence and how to work and collaborate with many teams.

    Phattanee: My supervisor and team always support me. My supervisor is a very good communicator and builds strong relationships with internal managers, other supervisors, external teams, stakeholders and our team members. She’s also a very creative problem-solver and can take control and come up with innovative solutions to help us move forward.

    My teammates are all helpful and motivated. We completed a lot of projects by getting together and brainstorming ideas. We come up with different methods to achieve our company’s goals and objectives. I also notice that Delta’s tight-knit corporate culture and multilingual environment helps me develop my soft skills including interpersonal skills, adaptive thinking and resilience along with emotional intelligence as well as time management to prioritize my tasks.

    Where do you see yourself in the next five years, and what are some steps you will take to reach your work and life goals?

    Ananya: My ultimate goal for the next five years is to lead a team or department. I've always enjoyed leadership in my career, so growing as a leader is one of my core career goals right now.

    Phattanee: In the first stage of 2-3 years, I plan to develop myself both personally and professionally. I’d like to deliver the best of my ability to our company while learning to immerse myself in my role and understand areas that can be improved on. I aim to become a true expert and master in my field.

    I want to be one of the supportive, reliable and trusted employees that help drive our company to our commercial and financial objectives. In the next stage of 4-5 years, I see myself growing into a managerial role to demonstrate my leadership capabilities when the time is right.

    What are the important factors for you when choosing a company, and do have any tips to share with your fellow overseas-educated Thais?

    Phattanee: The main reason why I want to work at Delta is because of its reputation. Delta’s track record of achievement proves that Delta is the right company for me. Working at Delta will give me a chance to explore opportunities to be the best version of myself.

    I would suggest my fellow overseas-educated Thais choose the right organization which best fits them and with room for future personal growth. Find somewhere you can get expand your responsibilities and accountability so you can best utilize your knowledge, experiences and expertise for mutual benefit.

    Ananya: There are many factors to consider when choosing a company such as workplace conditions, your family, salary, the opportunity for advancement, etc.

    I would suggest that you should set your own personal priorities since each different person and life situation leads us to a different order of priority. After you’re able to prioritize what you’re looking for in a job, then you’ll it will be easier for you to find out which company is most suitable for your lifestyle and goals.

    Build a Career and Contribute to Thailand at Delta

    Are you a visionary Thai student or engineer abroad looking for an international workplace to leverage your overseas experiences? Find out more about Delta’s International Recruitment Program from our Delta Thailand Careers Page or contact our HR today.

    David Nakayama

    About the Author (Editorial Team)

    David Nakayama

    If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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