A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Power Up Your Career with Real Electrical Engineering at Delta Thailand R&D

By David Nakayama - Published May 18, 2022

Text by David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms

Photos by DET R&D

Bangkok, Thailand, May 3, 2022-Thailand’s sizable electronics industry is a major driver of the economy and talent development. According to the Bangkok Post in 2021, Thailand’s electronics manufacturing industry was ranked as the world’s 13th best manufacturing base, with the production index increasing by 35% and production value by 3%. Demand for electronic devices sharply increased during the COVID-19 outbreak causing Thailand’s electronics industry to expand, with its export rate rising by 5-10%.

As the largest electronics company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Delta has world-class R&D engineering teams in Thailand who work with our global top-tier customers to push the boundaries of product power efficiency. Delta Thailand’s Power Electronics R&D offers ambitious and skilled Thai engineering talent the chance to do “real R&D” work beyond simple tasks like testing.

Today we hear from a young talent Tinnaphat Pumkaew who is a new firmware design engineer at the Delta Thailand Custom Design Power R&D Center at our Delta Plant 5.

Please tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What is your educational background, and professional experience?

I'm from Bangkok the capital of Thailand. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. My professional experience is in power electronics.

Why did you choose to work at Delta R&D, and how has your skillset/career developed here?

I’ve known that Delta is a major electronics company in Thailand and I heard about opportunities available here during my last two years at university. 

I was also able to use Delta industrial automation products such as the Delta PLC and of course power supplies. So in my final year, I got in contact with a class senior who was already working at Delta R&D to arrange an interview. This is the way I applied for and got my job at Delta Thailand.

I chose Delta because I feel this is a company that can match my specific interests in power electronics. So by working here, I can develop myself by learning through my own experience and from my skilled seniors in our R&D department.

Although I’ve only been here for one year, I have already worked on two major projects where I use Stm32CubeIDE software together with advanced power electronic equipment. My seniors help advise me in implementing test and debug processes throughout our project.

Here I can develop my hard skills like programming in C language and helping develop the control system. At the same time, I can develop my soft skills as I learn to work together with my colleagues as a team.

What are your main roles now, and what is the most interesting part of your work?

My main role right now is supporting various projects such as test efficiency, test loop gain with Bode Analyzer Suite and also writing software in C language for the control system in our new project. My most interesting work right now is writing software. Because it makes me feel challenged and it is a lot of fun.

To me, good software can make the difference between the success or failure of a product in the market because in each power supply unit (PSU) we need to have a controller. Software is an important part of control if the software has many bugs then the product won’t be reliable or safe. I always check my work carefully with my supervisor and teammates before submitting it because they may catch something that I had missed.

How are your teammates supporting you, and what advantages do you see in working in and global R&D workplace with many nationalities and top-tier customers?

My teammates support me a lot in terms of giving advice. My supervisor has many years of experience in power electronics. He gave me a research paper about power electronics to study and he taught me how to use programs such as Stm32CubeIDE, MATLAB, Bode analyzer and routine use of the oscilloscope.

The advantage of working with our customers who are top-tier companies is that we are always gaining excellent experience and knowledge that will help us to go on to develop ourselves professionally and help the company to advance further in both technical expertise and product sales.

Can you share the greatest challenge you faced as a Delta R&D engineer so far, and how did you overcome it?

My greatest challenge so far is my work writing software for the Delta On-board Charger project for EV production at our plant here in Bangpoo Industrial Estate. This is an ongoing challenge that I'm trying my best to progress in each day.

I believe that with the support of my team and supervisor I can work this out to be a success. I look forward to the successful development of this exciting project.

How do local R&D talents help develop Thailand’s electronics manufacturing industry, and why do localized R&D centers like the one here at Delta Thailand add value to the economy?

Delta Thailand’s R&D is in charge of all research and development for power products and our high-performance, high-efficiency and new innovative solutions. As R&D engineers, we must push the boundaries of possibilities to achieve greater performance.

We also explore all the possibilities when it comes to the manufacture of mainstay Delta products like power supplies or adaptors. We work to simplify production processes as much as possible by finding new solutions and leveraging innovation.

These improvements and new developments can make our products better and also increase our economic advantages to help us overcome economic barriers and market limitations.

Which of your projects so far are you most proud of, and why?

I am proud of every project I have been involved in. But if you ask me which one is the most memorable, it would be our on-broad charger project. This is because it is the first project I started doing on my own.

I would like to thank my supervisor for giving me the opportunity to take ownership of this project and hope that my work will help our teams to provide a lot of value and satisfaction for our customers.

What do you find most unique about Delta Thailand’s R&D and what has impressed you most about the operations and people here?

I think the success of any working team is a matter of having good and highly capable people. R&D is an especially demanding part of engineering and we must be curious, creative and think out-of-the-box to find new solutions for our customers like the use of new technology to increase the efficiency of Delta PSUs.

At Delta Thailand, we are lucky to get a lot of responsibility throughout the entire process from design to prototype and production. This means we can use more of what we learned in real R&D engineering work.

My impression of the operations here is that all the people in the company are committed to professional work. Everyone here is friendly and lovely. We are like a family.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years, and what are some steps you will take to reach your work and life goals?

In the next five years, I would see myself doing a job that I enjoy. To be able to do that, I have to learn and practice a lot to build up experience. Right now I have started studying programming for digital control using the C language. I also have plans to pursue a master's degree in power electronics

Besides developing my career, my main goal in life is to have a good work-life balance and a healthy body.

Do you have any suggestions for young engineers who want to have an exciting and fulfilling R&D career in Thailand? What are the most important factors in choosing a workplace?

Personally, I see advancing in my professional field as the most important factor in choosing a workplace. Therefore, I would like to suggest young engineers first seek out further knowledge in their fields of interest and desired specialties.

Always read the latest technology news to apply to work and strive to become a knowledgeable leader in your field of research and development, especially in new emerging areas.

Finally, a good work environment and work-life balance are important so we should get to know our new teammates and supervisor and look for a company that suits our lifestyle and future goals.

Ready for a “real R&D” career?

At Delta Thailand, our local R&D teams take full ownership of development from concept to production for the market. If you’re looking to use the full spectrum of your electrical engineering training and develop your talents right here in Thailand, Delta is the perfect choice for you.

Let’s talk to find out how we can help make your dream of becoming a well-rounded world-class R&D engineer come true. Visit our Careers Page now or contact our HR at: recruitment@deltathailand.com

David Nakayama

About the Author (Editorial Team)

David Nakayama

If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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