A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

By KK Chong - Published May 13, 2020

Text and photo by KK Chong, DET Corp Comms

While trying to write this foreword, I tried in vain not to bring up the word- COVID-19- due to all the negativities that it embodies. Everywhere I look and everything we do now is either directly or indirectly impacted by it. It’s hard to find positive vibes amidst all the bad news and climbing numbers on every news channel. As I was cracking my head searching for that shred of inspiration to start the first word, I received a random video from a colleague. It’s probably the most inspiring video I’ve seen this year. The four minutes video nicely sums up our current predicament with a positive outlook. It’s too good not to share and I hope it will brighten up your day too.

Do check out the poignant yet inspiring video at www.probablytomfoolery.com. Or simply read the shortened version below. All credits for the poem go to the writer. Here it goes.

It was a world of waste and wonder.
Of poverty and plenty.
Back before we understood why hindsight’s 2020.
You see, the people came up with companies to trade across all lands.
But they swelled and got much bigger than we ever could have planned.
We’d always had our wants, but now, it got so quick.
You could’ve anything you dreamed of in a day and with a click.
We noticed families had stopped talking.
That’s not to say they never spoke.
But the meaning must have melted and the work life balance broke.
And the children’s eyes grew squarer and every toddler had a phone.
They filtered out the imperfections but amidst the noise, they felt alone.
And every day the skies grew thicker, till you couldn’t see the stars.
So we flew in planes to find them while down below, we filled our cars.
We’d drive around all day in circles.
We’d forgotten how to run.
We filled the sea with plastic because our waste was never capped.
Until, each day, when you went fishing, you’d pull them out already wrapped.
But then, in 2020, a new virus came our way.
The government reacted and told us all to hide away.
But while we all were hidden, amidst the fear and all the while, the people dusted off their instincts.
They remembered how to smile.
They started clapping to say thank you.
And calling up their mums.
And while the car keys gathered dust they would look forward to their runs.
And with the skies less full of voyagers, the earth began to breathe.
And the beaches bore new wildlife (baby sea turtles) that scuttled off into the seas.
Some people started dancing, some were singing, some were baking.
We’d grown so used to bad news but some good news was in the making.
And so when we found the cure, and were allowed to go outside, we all preferred the world we found to the one we’d left behind.
Old habits became extinct and they made way for the new.
And every act of simple kindness was now given its due.
-But why did it take a virus to bring the people back together?-
Well, sometimes you got to get sick, my boy, before you start feeling better.
But that’s the story of how it started, and why hindsight’s 2020.

The poem also reminded me that Coronavirus, like Tsunami, is just another warning from Mother Nature that no matter how rich or powerful one is, please treat her with respect. The sea belongs to her so is every microbe on earth. Delta’s mission statement and brand promise are thus more relevant now than ever. To continue sending positive vibes over 360, check out some WFH tips for all (plus a  WFH special for parents) and two hotspots for that much needed post-COVID-19 vacation ideas. We have two articles featuring Delta Thailand’s new president, Mr. Jackie Chang. One from his timely Town Hall video message and another is an in-depth interview with him about what shape his career in Delta. And meet our guest contributors, Ernest and Tien, from Delta Vietnam and Adam from Delta Australia.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive.

KK Chong

About the Author (Editorial Team)

KK Chong

Cliché inspirational quotes make me cringe while creative ideas and people inspire me. Love food, dogs, traveling and staying healthy. Not one who is contented to be marching on the same spot for too long, I am grateful for the many opportunities given to explore and learn new things in Delta since 2004. See you on LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/in/chongkk/

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