A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

DET Voices #16 Honoring Your Labor on International Workers Day

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published May 19, 2023

May 1 is a special date for everyone at Delta when we celebrate International Workers Day. Every day, thousands of people are working hard at Delta factories, warehouses, offices and labs in Thailand. We honor your determination and diligence!

So why is International Workers Day or Labor Day/May Day so important? Because it’s workers who grow and process our food, build our goods and run the essential services that make our everyday life possible. The labor of your two hands is what builds our companies and support the nation.

In this Labor Day special of DET Voices, we hear the thoughts of four Delta Thailand frontline workers who answer the following questions:
1. Why are workers important in our society, and why do we need to guarantee a safe and fair workplace?
2. What are some important things a company can do to support your work?
3. How can help keep Safety First, and what are some tips to avoid unsafe long work shifts?
4. How can we find motivation and fulfillment in our work?

1. Sakorn Prasertsantisuk 

I'm Sakorn Prasertsantisuk from the Warehouse Center Department. As employees, we play a crucial role in the organization's growth and in delivering great customer service. Without us, there wouldn't be any happy customers, which means no profit or progress. That's why we, the employees, are the most important asset. Safety is something we should all take seriously. It's not only essential for our own well-being, but it also helps protect the organization's property and lives. Following safety regulations ensures a safe work environment.

When it comes to equality in the workplace, we understand that things may not always be exactly the same for everyone, even within the same company. But fairness does exist in different forms, like getting the right recognition, opportunities, or rewards based on our performance and efforts. The company should support us by boosting our motivation, helping us grow, and assisting us in reaching our goals. It also would be really valuable to provide us with additional training and knowledge about our work and the organization.

We all need to prioritize safety at work. Ignoring safety measures can lead to accidents and put us in danger. Some jobs can even be life-threatening. That's why it's important to maintain safe working conditions and take breaks when needed. For example, if you have a desk job, sitting for too long can harm your health over time. It's recommended to take short breaks every 40 to 45 minutes, stand up, and move around for about 10 to 15 minutes. This helps prevent issues like office syndrome.

When it comes to finding motivation at work, it starts with our supervisors who support us and recognize our importance. Our colleagues are like our extended family, always ready to lend a hand, share experiences, and show empathy. But ultimately, we need to have personal determination and give our best effort, regardless of the challenges we face. Work can be tough sometimes, but we must stay committed and be honest with the organization. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Manas, Mr. Manoch, and Mr. Pitisook for giving me this opportunity. Thank you.

2. Ritthikrai Wonsri 

I'm Ritthikrai Wonsri from the Warehouse Center Department. At Delta, we treat all employees equally. Since we have a lot of people working here, safety is our number one priority. We want to make sure that the company and all employees focus on safety. One way we emphasize this is by promoting cleanliness and organized storage through the 5S method. By keeping things tidy, accidents can be prevented, and everyone can work happily.

As an employee, I would appreciate the company's support in providing work equipment that makes our jobs easier and helps us achieve our daily goals set by supervisors.

Our first thought should always be about safety. That means we need training that emphasizes how to use equipment safely. When it comes to safety and wearing the right protective gear, if we're working in a very dangerous area, it would be better if the company arranges for us to switch in shifts. It's also important to have well-trained security personnel to take care of any security concerns.

Ultimately, our motivation for working is to support our families and ensure our children's education and future success. I want them to do well in school and have good opportunities in their future careers.

3. Pakinun Kaewprapak 

I'm Pakinun Kaewprapak from NPI Delta 4 team. If we talk about how important employees are, think of us as the driving force behind the company's success. Just like how every part of our body is crucial, each employee is like a valuable hand or foot. That's why we need to prioritize our safety and ensure equality. Just like taking care of our body organs, if we neglect any part, our overall well-being is compromised, making it hard to function.

When it comes to company support, it's important to consider the well-being of employees. This includes good compensation and a good working environment. Personally, I've noticed that noise is a major disruptor to our well-being, so it would be great if the company could address this issue.

Speaking of safety, it's a fundamental aspect of our lives. We should practice it consistently. Also, working for long periods without breaks can be draining, so it's important to have designated rest areas and appropriate break durations.

Motivation at work comes from the satisfaction of knowing that our efforts benefit others. It's a fulfilling feeling. Personally, I strive for work progress and improvement, constantly seeking opportunities to grow and develop.

4. Worarat Tongyam  

I'm Worarat Tongyam from the Facility Department. If we talk about the importance of employees, I believe that in our industry employees play a vital role as the driving force behind the electronics manufacturing industry. To ensure a successful future, we must prioritize safety and always put it first. It's crucial to be aware of potential hazards and take preventive measures to avoid accidents during our work. Neglecting safety is something we should never do.

When it comes to equality in the workplace, it's essential to treat everyone fairly, without discrimination based on gender or any other factors. Every individual should have equal opportunities and be treated with respect.

To support us in our work, the company can provide us with safety equipment that makes our tasks easier and promotes efficient work practices. Additionally, it's important to have well-maintained machinery and tools readily available for use, without any damage or issues.

When thinking about how we can always realize Safety First, it's crucial for us to receive proper training on work safety to minimize accidents and ensure a safe working environment.

Lastly, when it comes to motivation, I believe it's that inner drive that propels us towards our goals. Motivation is what fuels our desire and gives us a reason to take action. When we're motivated, we work to our fullest potential, achieving efficiency and productivity.

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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