A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Say It Out Loud 4: Proud to the Core

By DET Corp Comms - Published August 06, 2024

This year’s Pride Month was a cause for celebration for many in the LGBQT+ community as Thailand is to become the first nation in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage after the kingdom’s Senate approved a marriage equality bill.

For the fourth year, Delta Thailand continues to lead our global group in highlighting Pride Month and giving our LGBT (LGBTQIAN+) colleagues the chance to speak out about what Pride means to them and why it’s important to feel safe, equally treated and respected as a fellow human being at work.

Again, we commend our five brave Delta Thailand colleagues for sharing in their own words the following questions:

1. Delta Thailand now recognizes Pride Month each year. Why are LGTBQ+ rights important to you?
2. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, how is the company helping you be safe and included at work?
3. Do you have any suggestions to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues at work?
4. How do you live your life with “Pride”, and is there any message you would like to share with our Delta Family?

*Please note that the views and opinions expressed in these video recordings and transcripts are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Delta Electronics Thailand.

Sirirat Sodthaisong

I believe that LGBTQ+ rights are crucial because equality in the workplace and society is beneficial for everyone. When it comes to gender, there should be no need to differentiate between women, men, or any other gender, as true equality positively influences both social and family dynamics.

I am proud to say that our company, Delta, ensures that all employees are treated equally, without discrimination. We provide comprehensive support and fair treatment, regardless of job position, and offer appropriate benefits to everyone.

In the workplace, it is essential not to discriminate and to respect each other's rights, whether they are men, women, leaders, or subordinates. Mutual respect is key.

I am proud of the ongoing efforts to push for marriage equality laws and the future benefits they will bring. Regardless of gender, everyone deserves to be treated equally and have their rights and freedoms respected.

Nattaya Jantana

LGBTQ+ rights are important because everyone is born with the right to be free and equal. Accepting sexual diversity is valuable because it helps us get along better in society and feel happier at work.

I think Delta does a great job of promoting sexual diversity. This makes me feel safe wherever I go and whatever I do. I don’t feel different from others, and I can do my job smoothly.

As for suggestions, I want to talk about gender expectations. Some coworkers might assume that we work like men—being strong, lifting heavy things, and handling many tasks—but we still have the same gender identity as women, I want everyone to be aware of this.

Being able to live your life without worrying about how others see your gender is something I’m very proud of. What I want to tell Delta employees is to live your life in a way that is valuable and doesn’t cause trouble for anyone.

Noraphut Putthanasiri

I believe gender equality is very important. We all have the right to love whoever we choose and deserve to be treated equally. Everyone should feel proud of themselves because each person has their own unique value.

The company provides equal rights and opportunities, as seen in the job application process. I feel very fortunate that my boss and colleagues understand and accept me for who I am. They encourage me to express my true self and be happier at work.

For LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace, if we don't feel comfortable revealing our true identity, we might be judged by those around us, which can lead to feeling uncomfortable and lonely and might even reduce our work efficiency.

I want to encourage everyone at Delta to embrace their own identity. You can be anything you want but always strive to be the best version of yourself and be proud of who you are.

Tanyamai Dankhanob

I am personally glad that Thailand is open to accepting sexual diversity and provides equality to all genders and ages.

As an LGBTQ+ person, I feel that the company helps us by finding suitable positions where we can use our expertise and abilities, allowing us to work happily on the tasks assigned to us.

For suggestions, I would like Delta to continue providing equal rights and acceptance so that employees can work happily.

I want to say that Delta is like another family that is comfortable to be with. It's a company that is open, accepts our problems, helps solve them, and teaches us to live together peacefully without conflict, whether it is about gender or anything else.

Krissada Narason

I am glad that Thailand accepts the third gender or alternative genders and provides equal rights.

In Delta’s work environment, there is a diverse range of employees, so I don’t feel different at all. Here, they prioritize ability over gender.

I would personally like Delta to organize activities or provide training to educate employees who may not be open or do not understand the third gender so that they can become more open-minded.

Working at Delta allows me to express my identity freely, making me feel happy and not pressured. My colleagues treat me normally, which contributes to a positive work environment.

DET Corp Comms

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DET Corp Comms

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