A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

R U OK? Mental Health Day Special

By David Nakayama - Published November 11, 2021

By David Nakayama, DET Corp Comms

We all go through hard times. That’s why World Mental Health Day on October 10 is a good time to learn more about the importance of mental health, raise awareness and advocate against social stigma that can stop us from seeking help.

Launched in 1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health, this event is even more important than ever in the era of COVID disruption and increasing isolation. In a previous article, we highlighted the importance of recognizing warning signs and caring for the mental well-being of yourself and others.

Today we meet two self-aware young women at Delta who share their personal journey and tips to better mental health.

Finding peace and balance at Delta

By Supitsara Wichettapong, DET Logistics

Before joining Delta, my daily life wasn’t well organized. As a flight attendant, it was really difficult to live a regular life while always adjusting to different time zones, weather and environments. I had a hard time sleeping and could never fully rest physically or mentally.

Working at Delta gives me a better schedule and a healthier mind and body. My body clock now works better than before and my eating habits are getting normal. These improvements help me have better mental health and improved work performance.

During weekdays, my longer office hours, means I need enough sleep to help my brain and body fully recover and give me the energy to get through the long day. I try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. Working here is challenging, as we are quite busy. When it gets stressful, I try to move in order to avoid health issues caused by sitting many hours in the same position. I try to avoid headaches by closing my eyes, taking deep breaths or talking with colleagues.

After work, I can do grocery shopping, housework or watch something while laying down to rest my back after 9-10 hours of sitting. My most favorite part of the day is when I meet up with friends and family. Talking with them, sharing jokes and laughter help me to let off steam. I also try to make time for light workouts to stay healthy and get a good deep sleep.

I try to never bring my work back home. I prefer to spend my weekend on myself doing the things that make me happy after working hard all week. I’ll enjoy shopping, finding new foodie spots, or hanging out. Sometimes I’ll spend an afternoon in a park or in an urban oasis just to build up a sweat and breathe fresh air.

As we spend most of our time at work, my recommendation is to find a positive environment. Connect with your colleagues as they play a big part in a happy workplace. When we have good human connections we can listen, share, advise, cheer up and support each other.

Tips for emotional healing from life’s setbacks

By Natchaya Mienklang, DET Finance

Once I thought I was living my dream and had a well-planned life, then something took it away forever. Yes, I’m talking about COVID-19. I think this was the hardest time of my life when I repeatedly asked myself, “Am I doing something wrong? What should I do next?” Suddenly, I realized I was not alone. In fact, 7,000 million lives around the world are suffering from this crisis. There is no wrong way. Crises are just a part of life.

Previously, I was happily working in the service sector but this was wrecked by COVID-19. When my life came to a fork in the road, I decided to resign and woke up from my dream world to face the harsh reality. As I began looking for a new job, I soon discovered that suddenly changing my field of work is harder than I imagined! I applied to over 30 companies and luckily Delta gave me this wonderful opportunity to return to finance that I left 4 years ago.

After I got accepted by Delta, I started reorganizing my plans and setting goals with passion. I focused on making myself financially and emotionally secure from my previously uncertain situation. My life had a new beginning and I realized no matter how many times you fail, the quicker you stand up, the quicker you can start a beautiful new life.

Let me share with you how to escape from the cruelty of despair. First of all, you have to invest in good mental health by seeking ways to be happy, relaxed, release tension and pressure. Then you can find out what you should do. But how do we stay in a good mental state? Everybody has their own path but you can try 3 easy tips to begin your emotional healing.

Tip 1: Get good books and good advice. Read books, listen to podcasts or even talk to someone to rekindle your passion. The most important thing is to talk to yourself every day to self-affirm and discover what you really think and want.

Tip 2: Explore your passions. I use Pinterest to search for things I’m passionate about. It’s my favorite thing to do when I feel burned out. For example, I always explore interior design for ideas for my dream home or those places that I’d die to visit. Those images help me visualize my life goals and get through bad feelings. Like the quote says, “When there is a will, there is a way.”

Tip 3: Treat yourself sometimes. Go shopping, enjoy good food or travel. I think this is the most effective tip as this is a concrete and tangible to reward yourself.

I believe it’s all about learning to treat yourself with respect, love yourself, forgive yourself and spoil yourself (sometimes). Do not ask for perfection in this imperfect world.

I still insist that while COVID-19 will never be a good memory, it has taught me many things. And I am still alive to prove that “This too shall pass.” Remember, that if you keep making yourself out to be a victim, you will never be happy! So let’s change our perspective and have the bravery to accept a happier life. Good luck guys

David Nakayama

About the Author (Editorial Team)

David Nakayama

If content is king, there must be a kingmaker. And the universal theme in my favorite stories is our innate human desire for freedom. I have a master’s degree in Chinese education and experience spanning industries and countries. As the Comms guy at DET, I’m obsessed with the stories behind our products and people. Share your stories with me  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yushi-david-nakayama/

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