A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

DET Voices #8 Quality in Work and Life

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published September 15, 2021

Have you ever thought about how important quality is and why we need it for a good life? We all want fresh air, clean water and healthy food. We choose safe and reliable electric equipment and electronics for living and work. On the roads, we trust our lives to vehicles and traffic lights.

So as manufacturing professionals, we should constantly pursue the best quality to satisfy our customers and make our world better. Let’s hear from four expert Delta QA/QC women who answer the following questions about quality in their own words:

  1. Why is quality important for our work and life?
  2. How does product quality affect our safety, health and the money we spend?
  3. What are actions you take in your work that make a big difference in our product quality, and why?
  4. What are some simple ways we can help improve our quality and be more proud of our work?

Ms. Jidapha Kerdsawas, QA CNBU 
Hello, my name is Jidapha and my nickname is Eay. I am in QA at the CNDC department. Quality is important to our life. We need to be able to meet the needs of customers and satisfy them to succeed in a highly competitive market.

If our work is of high quality, it will give us an advantage. Our partners can help us to reduce costs so we can still be able to produce high-quality work. Good quality makes us feel good about the work we do, increases our morale and helps to build up our operational potential.

Quality products affect our safety, health and money. We can use quality to build trust in our products. We know that quality products are worth the money we spend and this gives us the confidence to use them for a long time.

The ever-evolving consumer behavior of our customers allows us to evolve according to their needs. No matter what the customer wants us, we can strive to develop the product to be an answer the customer's needs. When we can help to improve our product quality, then we can take more pride in our work.

Planning and following the work plan or what we call PDCA is what we are doing. The most important factor for our success is teamwork.

Ms. Supaporn Sombat, QA IMBU

Hello, my name is Supaporn Sombat and my nickname is Cat. I’m in the IMBU department.

Quality is important to our work and life because it’s an important reason why customers choose to buy or use our products and reduce their waste management costs in the production process.

Good quality work inspires confidence from our customers. Our reputation for quality will make us able to get a lot of orders, have a steady job, stable income and even get additional OT for extra income. This all leads to a better quality of life!

The quality of the product affects the safety, the quality and the money we spend, the higher the quality of the product, the higher the consumer safety and the lower the cost of repairing the order of use.

What you do in your work makes a huge difference in the quality of our products. The entire manufacturing and export process is controlled and inspected to meet product specifications. We can get repeat business because I can be confident that every part of our work is produced with top quality and reliability.

We can help to improve our quality in simple ways and take greater pride in our work. Quality must be just as ingrained in the mindset of every worker as respect for the duties assigned to them. Standards are met by following the steps and setting expected results strictly. The work that I produce is according to standards because I have a good attitude towards work and my duty that makes me proud of my work.

Ms. Rangsinee Chaiklang, QA

Hello, I’m Rangsinee Chaiklang and my nickname is Q. I'm in the QA department.

Quality is very important to our lives. In our human life, everything that surrounds us will impact us depending on the level of quality. If the elements in our environment are of good quality, we can have a good society, friends and family. Being in a good company will help our lifestyle and our work to also be good. This even includes matters like our mental health. Things will be good according to the quality we seek.

When it comes to product quality, it is very important to our health and safety in life and our world environment. Of course, a good quality product requires investment, support for research, testing. In order to achieve the most effective products, we need to think about safety for our lives, environment and community.

As for what makes the biggest difference in our work to get a good quality product, it's certainly a matter of experience. Our knowledge increases from past work experience because these events are a lesson to test our professionalism.

Let's add to our skillset and develop ourselves to have more knowledge. It’s very important to work for a quality product because it's a matter of care and commitment. Our personal development and work standard must also meet the needs of our customers.

A simple way that we can help improve the quality of our products, is to start simply with ourselves first. We can make ourselves more effective at work. Then make ourselves happy with colleagues and society and be happy with the work that we are responsible for. As a result, we will have good quality work and society will also benefit.  Most importantly, we will be proud of our work each day.

Ms. Kanokwan Nakornthaisong, QA ITLOB
Hello, I'm Kanokwan Nakornthaisong in QA at the ITLOB Department.

Quality is very important to our work and life. Quality is essential in our customer's product selection so if we produce quality products customers will have trust and satisfaction with our products. When our products are widely accepted our company will also have the opportunity to grow which means stability in our life as we work with this company.

The quality of our products affects safety, health and money spent. When choosing a particular product, good quality means safety and value for money. This is the first factor we consider. Therefore, good quality is the key to using any product and living our life as well.

So what makes a big difference in improving our products? It is actions like daring to express your opinions, sharing new ideas or applying previous experiences to help us improve product quality. In addition, working as a team is important to make our work successful.

A simple way we can help improve the quality and take pride in our work is having an awareness of quality in order to give customers confidence and satisfaction in our products.

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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