A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the Delta Electronics family in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Say It Out Loud: Thai, Diverse and PROUD!

By Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. - Published July 15, 2021

Every year the month of June is celebrated around the world as Pride Month to recognize the impact of the LGBT community. At Delta Thailand, our Human Rights Policy clearly states our stance of equal opportunity and non-discrimination towards all regardless of gender orientation.

Companies around the world, including in the traditionally conservative manufacturing industry, are using this time to highlight the importance of protecting human rights and encouraging diversity and inclusion at the workplace.  

Now for the first time ever in the Delta Group, Delta Thailand offers a chance for any member in the LGBT community to boldly speak out on what Pride Month means to them and why it’s important to feel safe, equally treated and respected as a fellow human being at work.

Those of us who come from more traditional backgrounds, conservative cultures or grew up in the colder societies of the Northern Hemisphere, can still take this opportunity to hear the true voices of our workmates. You’ll find that each person has their individual opinions and freedom of thought/expression that is as protected in our company, and in all free societies, as yours are.

We commend our four brave Delta Thailand colleagues for sharing in their own words about the following questions:

  1. What part of the LGBT community are you part of, and why are you proud to tell this to the world?
  2. Why is diversity and inclusion important for a happy workplace, and what actions in a company make you feel respected as both a human and a part of a team?
  3. What does Pride Month mean for you personally, and why is it important to have events like this?
  4. How can we all take part in protecting human rights and promoting equal opportunity for everyone in our Delta Family?

*Please note that the views and opinions expressed in these audio recordings and transcripts are solely those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Delta Electronics Thailand.

Siritat Sodthaisong

I'm part of the LGBT community, and I'm proud of it. Even though I'm in this minority group, we can go around nowadays without shame. I'm in a same-sex relationship that even my parents at home know about. Modern Thai society is open to accepting us. We don't have to be ashamed or in secret like before.

As far as diversity at work goes, I work at a company with no discrimination as to who is dating the same sex or the opposite sex. To me, Delta Thailand is a company that is open to all. All departments can accept those who prefer the same sex as human beings together. In this way, the company isn't segregated.

Whether we're male or female (or another gender) everyone has an idea or opinion that they can raise at work. Here, we don't worry about whether people will look at us differently because of our personal lifestyle or anything. It's all about being happy at work these days.

We see our co-workers accepting that we are in a same-sex relationship and that everyone can be part of the Delta Family. An open factory is where there is no restriction on same-sex dating.

Now, if you ask me about the importance of human rights, I’d say it includes gender orientation. This means people who are in the LGBT community. We live in an open company so we can accept people who are transgender, lesbian or gay. Our company gives equal rights to everyone who signs up or to those who are working now.

In the group of Delta Thailand factories, we are like family. Although LGBT people may look like a group that isn't like everyone else or may seem strange, here at our factory folks are able to accept us as part of the group and work together with us. And we can work well just like other people. We can work happily like this because the company is open to us.

Kanjana  Sakkaree

I believe there should be no segregation in recruitment or even in the position that we apply for because there is no job that is restricted to a single gender or one’s biological gender. If our company fairly and equally opens the door for everyone to work in our organization then it will be another source of happiness.

It also allows us to show the talent that we have. I want the company to feel that it is acceptable for us to be who we are and show our abilities without discrimination. Not looking at us as a third gender but as humans will make us happy.

Our teams can recognize us for our abilities because inclusion gives us freedom of thought and the ability to offer our best to the team. In the team, we can be a driving force and the power to move forward together. We shouldn't say we are of that gender or this gender but just try to be happier at work. We can all accomplish our work and achieve goals together with the team.

Personally, I do not object to Pride Month. But I feel that the event emphasizes that we are not equal to other genders yet. Sometimes I feel that revealing myself is not normal or unusual. Maybe hosting Pride events only displays the flashy side of the community or the event may be too much about saying we have to be this or that gender.

This type of “identity politics” is more like reminding yourself that you're a third gender. So can we not hold these specific events? Yes, that’s right. Because the world is open now (in Thailand). We are in an open-minded company and so we feel that there is no need to tell others this by organizing events. Gaining acceptance in society, with family, relatives or in our company is a better goal.

We should not discriminate with actions that have no justifiable reason when selecting anyone for work. Acceptance of employment in the organization or training to develop employees' potential should be without discrimination on age, disability, gender or belief or if they are in a same-sex (common-law) marriage.

This will allow us to have confidence, provide stability and make us feel that we are happy to work in this field or that we have the ability to succeed here. If we give everyone a chance, it's also a form of safety because we provide a safe space for one’s personal sexuality without making decisions based on gender or occupation or something else. If we look past each other’s differences, we will be able to help everyone succeed here.

Saranya Petchmoo

If we are transgender, then we are obviously content with who we are. Believe in yourself! Because we can't choose to be born, but we can choose to be what we want to be.

When we say we do not discriminate, that means we don't discriminate between gender or age and we help each other too. We are transgender, and we can work with anyone in a team without any problems. Here is where we can find our friends, brothers and sisters who respect us.

We share happiness with each other and exchange love and joy for each other because we are one Delta Family. We have to work together to solve problems and give opportunities in every matter. And we must take care of each other so we will be happy with our work.

I want my LGBT brothers and sisters to do good things so that others know that we are an important part of the company and are just like everyone else.

Pennapa  Ngamwichai

Even if we LGBT folks look this way, it doesn't cause trouble for anyone. We are happy that we are like this because we choose to be like this. We can do everything because we're not “in the closet” at all. I’m totally out and can show everyone that I'm like this.

It’s good when people see that being a lesbian like this does not cause trouble for others. We are happy that we are lesbians. So I dare to show that I'm a lesbian openly.

That’s because I think being a lesbian doesn't cause trouble for anyone. Well, I'm proud that I'm like this. Proud that I like the same sex and I live in an environment (Thailand) where I can be myself. That’s the reason why I dared to show that I was a lesbian and came out in the first place.

Inclusion is important, so we can show openly that we are lesbians or we are of any gender for that matter. Coming out will make us more confident in ourselves and prove that even if we are a lesbian, or of any gender, we can get along well with other people.

Participation in the protection of human rights for everyone means that we have to take care of each other and listen to every problem that arises in an unbiased way. Helping solve problems that arise will help us work together happily.

About the Author (Editorial Team )

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.

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